Autobist in extreme situations, refused brakes, car in water, car under the snow

Cars are becoming more contemporary, safer, faster and more comfortable. But whatever perfect technique was, sooner or later it can break.

Sometimes problems arise from nowhere, and sometimes the car is at all the victim of force majeure. One way or another, even behind the wheel of the most reliable car may occur, hazardous to the driver's life. The famous expert extremal Extremal BEAR GRILLS was told about how to act in such situations in the new program "Worseless to be" as part of the Discovery Channel cycle "Life on the verge."

If you refused brakes what to do

Brakes that failed on raf speed - nightmare of any motorist.

It is difficult to come up with a more life-threatening situation, but Bear Grells advises to maintain composure even in such a back.

You can stop the car, but how to do it, it demonstrates on a personal example in one of the issues of the program "worse to be not".

The first thing you can try to do is reduce the speed, moving to lower transmissions. Best of all, this method works on cars with a manual gearbox - on "automata" smart technique can respond to such an explicit damage of the engine. However, it will only help repay the speed, but not stop - then you have to use the handbrake.

If the speed remains high, but on the side of the road there are bushes or snow drifts - this is your chance. Try to move onto them - it will help and repay the speed, and at the same time soften the blow.

In addition, you can try to slow down the speed, having sinking the car to the fence or high border, if there are such. Tires and discs will come into disrepair, but when it comes to rescue life, you do not have to choose.

If there are passengers in the car, you can try to open the doors to increase the air resistance and thereby repay the speed. It is permissible if everyone is fastened, and the space on the sides of the machine is wide enough for such a trick. True, such a tool is suitable only as an auxiliary - to completely stop it will not help.

If the trouble happened on a mountain road and you fly down without the opportunity to stop, try to save management and at all costs to reach the next lift. After that, try to deploy the car across the road, turning on the first speed.

Try to file a disaster signal by all available ways: Flight Flight Light, apply disorderly sound signals.

If a cargo car moves ahead, and it cannot be stopped, you can try to catch up with the "leader" and get into it as smoothly as possible.

If the speeds are the same, then with a lot of probability you will not suffer, neither you nor ahead of the car.

Another radical way in a very hopeless situation - to turn the ignition lock on the move so that the engine is stamped, but the steering wheel does not blocked, and then put the first transmission. The gearbox, of course, breaks, but it can save your life.

Swim in captivity if you were in water captivity what to do

If you believe Hollywood movies, everything seems to be not so difficult: in the movie the hero of the famously opens the door or knocks the glass with the elbow, and then calmly floats to the surface.

Meanwhile, reality is sometimes different from the on-screen life: according to the reviews of people who visited such a grill, it is easier to break the handle than to open the door under water. According to Beara Glills, the most common mistake is that drivers are trying to open the door when it is not worth doing this, and when they do not work, fall into panic, which can lead to tragic consequences.

When the car turns out to be in the water, it does not immediately go to the bottom, and in the first seconds, while the car is still on the surface, you can try to leave it quickly.

BEAR GRILLS advises to do it not through the door, which is partially immersed in water, but through an open window, which is still over the surface of the reservoir. But if the first moments are missed if the window failed to promptly open, then, as it is neither paradoxically sounds, you need to wait until the car drowshes a little more. You can open the door only after the car is immersed in water at least three quarters. The fact is that it is most likely to do this before, it will not be possible - the water resistance is too great. Well, even if the door opens, the water dries under strong pressure in the salon and block the saving output. Therefore, spend the time when the car is immersed under water, to facilitate the path to salvation - remove the clothes and shoes that will sip.

But then you need to act more quickly. Open the door with a sharp shower, after clicking on the handle. If nothing happens - break the glass - take any solid object and beyond the center, at the same place. It is better to break the side windows, and not the frontal - they crumble less, they easier to knock them out. At the same time, stay fastened - first ensure yourself, and only then remove the seat belt. Well, then - swim to the saving surface!

Car in snow captivity, your actions

While driving around the winter mountain roads, there is almost always a risk of being caressed avalanche. It is impossible to resist uncontrollable snow mass, to leave it, as a rule, also fails - avalanche is almost always moving faster. What if your car is buried under the thickness of the snow? Of course, act!

Each motorist, going to such areas, must have a snow shovel with him - at least in order to feed the car after the snowfall.

If you are in the cabin, and the shovel in the trunk is what, you will have to use any technicrafts, any solid items.

Carefully open the glass, pressing on it from the inside and at the same time dropping it. You can not even dream of opening the door, it's snowing it too tight. If the glass does not open, try to split it. After that, carefully remove the glass, proceed to the excavations. The engine after entering an avalanche must be completely turned off - this will save the oxygen stock.

First of all, take care of your hands - you will have to work, most likely long. If there are no gloves, put socks into your arms, wrap them with rags or just pull the sleeves. Fold out the snow in the interior, and then, as you move up the snow tunnel, drop down. Naturally, they need to dig forward and up, but at the same time make the tunnel is not strictly vertical, but inclined - otherwise you just do not hold in it. And do not despair: air stock in the car is enough for you at least for several hours, and during this time you can get out.
