Front suspension Kalina, device front suspension Kalina, knock in front suspension Kalina, repair of front suspension Kalina

For the first time in the Russian market, Lada Kalina appeared in November 2004. It is this car that marked the beginning of a new era in the development of the Volga autocontraser. This car was produced until 2013, and its overall circulation reached a volume of 600 thousand pieces. The vehicle has become new in everything, from the platform to the Ergonomics of the cabin. The front suspension of this car is independent, such as MacPherson, which is considered to be a significant promotion of the company Lada forward.

Front suspension Kalina, Device diagram with decoding

Case (1), ball support (2), locking ring (3), nut bearing nut (4), protective cap (5), hub (6), wheel bearing (7), swivel fist (8), brake mechanism disk front wheel (9), brake mechanism shield (10), nut (11), eccentric bolt (12), rotary lever (13), front suspension spring (14), shock absorber rod (15), top cup of spring (16), Upper shock absorber strut support (17), shock absorber (18) rod nut (18), shock absorber rack bearing (19), spring gasket (20), compression buffer (21), protective casing (22), telescopic rack (23), driving The front wheel shaft (24), the fastening bracket of the bar stabilizer stabilizer (25), stretching the front suspension (26), the rod of the transverse stability stabilizer (27), the rack of the transverse stability stabilizer (28), the front suspension lever (29).

Signs of malfunction of the front suspension Kalina

About the faults arising in the front suspension indicate knock and creaking, which increase with raising speed.

Knock in front suspension on Kalina, reasons for knocking

There are four main reasons for the appearance of squeaks and knocks in the front suspension:

  • Road canvase quality. Yes, even the newest and ideal suspension can knock and tripping on bad roads, even if it was not previously observed. To check this theory, pass several hundred meters along a well-asphalt road. If the knock is not, then the suspension is in order. Otherwise, see the second reason.
  • If the knock is accompanied by vibration in the steering wheel, it means its reason is the malfunction of the steering rack or thinning the brake discs.
  • The third reason - lost the tone of the spring, which is why the car body actually beats about the suspension.
  • Embroidered sienent block, designed to clean the knocks and vibrations when driving.

Silent blocks front suspension Kalina

The replacement of silent blocks in the front suspension of viburnum is needed 15-17 thousand km, since in most cases they lose their functions after passing this kilometer. Therefore, if the knocks in the suspension appeared at a given period of kilometers, then the problem is in faulty silent blocks.

Tools, fixtures, consumables

To replace silent blocks you will need such tools:

  1. Jack.
  2. Set of wrenches.
  3. Screwdriver.
  4. Lubrication for silent blocks.
  5. WD-40.
  6. Chisel.
  7. Hammer.

Choosing a workplace

To replace silent blocks to new, you need to drive the car on the lift or the observation pit.

Substitution of silent blocks on Kalina Stephago

First dismantle the transverse lever:

  1. Remove the wheel and spray all the transverse lever connections using WD-40.
  2. When the lubricant penetrates in hard-to-reach places, start unscrewing the bolts.
  3. Remove the bolt of the ball support, however, you remove it with a pin from the bolt.
  4. Next, unscrew the hinge fastening bolt of the longitudinal stretching and remove it.
  5. Then unscrew the bolt with the nut fixing the stabilizer rack.
  6. The next step is the transverse lever bolt. After dismantling the bolt with the nut, you can remove the lever.

Next, go to the rubber-metal hinge of the longitudinal stretching:

  1. After closing the lever in the vice, you throw out the silent blocks using a thin flat screwdriver or chisel.
  2. If during the removal of the lever, its metal base will remain, it will also have to beat it and purify the seat of dirt.
  3. The installation of new silent blocks is performed by using them to the lever using vice, with full fixation, having applying blows every 5-8 mm by the hull.

Pillow and Stabilizer Rack:

  1. Remove the stabilizer rack is very simple. It is enough to unscrew the fastening bolt from the transverse lever, the second end is simply released from the stabilizer with simple swinging.
  2. To free the pillow, take the key to "13" and unscrew the two mounting bolts of the bracket, and then free it.
  3. When it is released, it can be removed by cutting the knife in the thinnest place, or remove from the stabilizer, lubricating it with WD-40 or soapy.

Bracket of the transverse lever:

  1. The largest Silent Block lever is at the very base.
  2. The easiest way to remove it is arson. When the rubber will be prohibiting on it, get it out and clean the seat. Of course, it can be pressed through vice, but it will take time.
  3. New silent blocks Lubricate WD-40 or soap solution and set to the place with the head to "30" and vice, pressing it.

Spring front suspension Kalina how to change the spring

Order of work:

  1. First open the hood and loosen the top mounting nut support to the rack: Take the key on the nut on the "22" and loosen the mount by holding the rod from turning the key to "9". It is enough to make several revolutions.
  2. Next, lift the front of the car by jack and remove the wheel.
  3. Remove the brake hose with the engagement on the rack and remove it to the side.
  4. Next, apply to all connections penetrating lubrication.
  5. Then unscrew the nut that crept the steering tip to the rotary lever, and select the tip from there with a hammer and mount, or dissect using the puller.
  6. Now proceed to the bottom mounting of the rack, where you need to unscrew the two nuts using keys to "17" and "19".
  7. It remains to unscrew the three fastening nuts of the front support to the glass (body).
  8. Last nut unscrew to the end so that the rack is kept. When you disconnect the rack with a swivel fist, you can unscrew the last nut, and lower it down, holds the other hand.
  9. Now you need springs springs. They can be purchased in any auto shop.
  10. Dress them on both sides to the springs turns and with the help of accessories, perform their compressive.
  11. When the spring is fast enough and will not rest in the support of the rack, unscrew the top nut.
  12. Remove the support together with rubber band, cup and bearing.
  13. Then you can remove the spring.
  14. The assembly is performed in the reverse order.
  15. New springs roll to the required moment and dressed on the rack. The extreme lower round should get exactly in the recess.

Tips Pros: If the steering rack is faulty, who entrust repair

If the steering rack is malfunctioning, it is not necessary to deal with this problem, it is better to immediately bring the car to a hundred, to avoid more serious problems in the future.
