Silent tires, quiet winter tires, quiet studded bus, which tires to choose, overview tires

Each car owner is familiar to the buzzing venerable sound created by the vehicle wheels when driving. The reason for its appearance is the friction of the wheels on the asphalt.

When the windows of the car are closed, the sound of tires to hear is extremely difficult or impossible at all, but it is worth only slightly lowering the glass, as an unpleasant buzz penetrates into the cabin. Professionals have proven that the uniform sounds of friction rubber on asphalt are very dangerous for human health. With the help of its frequency, they are able to cause irritation of the auditory nerve, resulting in a worsening of hearing, the emergence of irritability and even the emergence of mental illness. Therefore, the topic about how to choose the most quiet tires for your own car, always remains open. It is worth saying that really quiet tires will never cost cheaply. And it is due to the fact that manufacturers spend millions of dollars, trying to find a compromise between the degree of noise and other characteristics, in particular the length of the braking path and handling. Therefore, if you decide to significantly increase the comfort of your vehicle, you should prepare for quite large financial costs. We suggest to consider the best options for quiet tires that have deserved good reviews of ordinary users and liked the automotive experts.

Michelin Pilot Sport3, Tires from France, Dignity and Disadvantages


According to experts, the Pilot Sport 3 tires are sufficiently quiet, which released the French company Michelin. When moving along high-quality road surface, the motorist does not hear the sounds published by them. In addition, these tires make it possible to reduce fuel costs. With the help of reduced rolling friction, the car is significantly increased by the eating car on neutral transmission and the fuel consumption is reduced by three or five percent. In addition, tires have reinforced sidewalls that make it possible to increase their life and reduce the cost of buying new rubber.


These silent tires have deserved a fairly high rating in the area of \u200b\u200bcontrollability - the control is maintained even when the wet road coating is driving with deep puddles or at temperature indicators of air not exceeding ten degrees. Also positively affects the controllability of the low tire mass, a reduced magnitude of the unsophisticated masses. I would like to say about the possibility of long-term operation - the maximum mileage is about twenty percent higher than those proposed in the market of low noise analogues. If we consider the cost of tires, you should pay attention to the most common modification - diameter R15. The price of this tire is approximately five thousand rubles per product.


Michelin XM2 Energy, Summer Tires, Dignity and Disadvantages

If you prefer the summer tires Michelin, learning about their quality and efficiency from reviews or from your own experience, you should pay attention to the following model - XM2Energy. It was designed specifically for riding in difficult conditions, which is due to the presence of silicone as part of rubber. This additive significantly increases the reliability of the tire, its wear resistance and ensures effective coupling properties. Pay attention to reinforced sidewalls, allowing you to withstand quite large loads, for example, by road to an extraneous solid, which was accidentally on the road, or during contact with curbs. This advantage has a positive impact on the durability of summer tires during operation in conditions of bad roads, which, unfortunately, are a frequent phenomenon in our country.


The decrease in noise is achieved by means of a special form of tread grooves, effectively replete water, however, while not creating strong reflected sounds that negatively perceive drivers. In addition, the protector blocks are connected by heavy-duty bridges, which are deeply located under the top layer of rubber. This original bus construction makes it possible to get a few advantages:


  1. Reducing the fuel consumption.
  2. Reducing noise.
  3. Extending the service life of rubber and slowing its wear.

At the same time, the tire is not tough, and the vehicle does not annoy its owner with an excessive tendency to jump during overcoming small irregularities. The price of this rubber is about four thousand rubles.

Goodyear Asymmetricat Eagle F1, Advantages and Disadvantages


To purchase a really low-noise tire, you can choose the ASYMMETRICAL EAGLE F1 model, represented by Goodyear. Its main advantage is based on the use of a special chemical composition of rubber, which reduces the noise level and reduces the wear rate. It is also worth noting an asymmetric tire tread pattern, which positively affects the comfort and controllability of the vehicle equipped with tires. Reinforced cord does not give the tire excessively high rigidity, but makes it more resistant to different external influences.


But the main advantage of GoodYear's tires are their fortified sidewalls, in which there are inserts from special fibers (Iramid), which is used in the production of body armor and superior in its strength Kevlar and Nylon. Interestingly, these inserts are located only from the outside, which is most loaded at turns. Consequently, the aramid fibers make it possible to evenly redistribute the load, thereby increasing the reliability of the tires and reducing the noise level. These tires could completely occupy the first position of the rating if it were not for their orientation to expensive cars, which have a rather large size of the wheels, and the price that reaches ten thousand rubles per coincided minimum size R17.


Tires Dunlop Sport Blu Response, Advantages and Disadvantages

Dunlop specialists believe that the compromise may well solve the eternal dispute between low noise tires and tires that provide confident handling on bad roads. The Sport Bloresponse model is an attempt to find the most perfect ratio between the low noise and rigidity. Immediately, I would like to note that it is impossible to call these tires perfectly quiet - even though they buzzarize much less competitors of the budget class, all the models listed above are still more comfortable. But the consumption of fuel in transport, equipped with such tires, is approximately equal to similar indicators when choosing French tires that have become a rating leader.


In addition, the controllability of cars with DUNLOP tires is actually ideal - the vehicle quickly responds to the movement of the steering wheel, and also remains controlled even in the most difficult situations. Among the disadvantages, only insufficient aquaplaning resistance can be distinguished, leading to risk of drift and blocking wheels on a wet road. But it is impossible to call the perfect data of the tires, as a result of the lack of pronounced benefits. The most positive point is their cost - about five thousand rubles per size R16.


Nokian Hakkapelitta R2 Winter Tires - Best Inspected Tires, Dignity and Disadvantages

A lot of drivers complains that winter tires that should be soft and low noise, still emit rather loud sounds that are the reason for the discomfort of the car owners. This is especially true of non-seapted tires that create a specific clandage during contact with solid asphalt.


Nokian's specialists came to the conclusion that the main cause of noise, which creates winter tires, is to ride on roads with uneven low-quality coating. Their new Hakkapeliitta R2 tire model is equipped with special rigid segments distributed over the entire surface of the tire. With this, the tire is capable of maintaining an equal area of \u200b\u200bthe contact spot while driving on dry asphalt, ice, snow and a variety of irregularities. In addition, rubber amplifiers make it possible to reduce rubber wear and improve controllability.


Winter tires of this model are really unique, as they use Cryo Crystal technology, which involves the inclusion of microcrystals, created from extremely solid materials. They are able to improve the grip in the worst conditions, but, unlike the studded tires, do not emit severe noise, and also do not destroy the coating. As a result, tire data is recognized as experts as one of the best frictional - not equipped with metal spikes that improve the clutch on the ice. Another advantage is a wide selection of sizes - from R13 and to R21, and the average cost is seven thousand rubles.


Winter studded tires Michelin XICE North3, dignity and disadvantages

And again fans of low noise tires pleases the French company Michelin, which quite recently introduced the new XICE NORTH model 3. The main advantage is the use of a special composition of rubber, which covered bottom holes for spikes. With a fairly substantial increase in temperature (for example, when thawing, which cleans the roads from ice and snow), this tires becomes soft and, thus, makes it possible to fall deeper, in fact, without touching the road. Therefore, the noise level is reduced, controllability improves, and also decreases the destructive effect of such rubber on the road surface. However, when the temperature indicators fall again to significant negative values, the rubber acquires the rigidity, which gives a spike of the opportunity to go out, thereby improving the handling in deep snow and on the ice.


Also, the data of winter studded tires are equipped with multifaceted metal components that do not make loud sounds during contact with expensive, and also not destroyed from rapid movement. The advantages of the XICE North 3 model should also include sidewalls reinforced with wire from steel, which make it possible to maintain the necessary shape of the wheels regardless of the surrounding circumstances. In addition, Michelin specialists have made a number of changes to the chemical composition of the tires, raising the content of natural rubber in them. Due to this, the tires have become wear-resistant, but they did not become more rigid. They are relatively few - about five thousand rubles per unit size R16.


Disadvantages of Avon Euromaster VH100 tire

The noise level that creates tires directly depends on their stiffness. The higher the rigidity, the greater the sound pressure on the driver, which annoys it and leads to the development of professional nerve diseases. However, it is not necessary to make rubber overly soft - this leads to it excessively rapid wear and a significant deterioration in manageability.


Looking for summer tires, quite a few car enthusiasts buying a tire model Euromaster VH100 British manufacturer Avon. Indeed, their noise level is minimal - a rather soft composition of rubber makes it possible to achieve excellent comfort. In addition, the original physical properties and the small weight of the tires reduce the wear rate of the suspension elements.


However, as mentioned above, excessively soft automotive tires have a number of flaws. It is easy to prove - just look at the properties of a vehicle that is equipped with rubber of this type. The braking path increases at four meters relatively with the average tires. In addition, the wheels cannot cope with water on the road, resulting in a very dangerous aquaplaning. Given the prices for tire data, it can be said that no noise becomes the only advantage.

Tire Disadvantages Michelin Energy Saver3


Most of the negative reviews received Michelin products, and more precisely, the Energy Saver 3. The choice of low-noise summer tires from this option should be refused, since the manufacturer has been made on the rigidity of rubber. As a result, the noise level increased significantly, and the comfort of the vehicle decreased. Based on the reviews of ordinary users, the car makes a strong noise that does not allow to ride with lowered glasses and strongly shudders even with small irregularities. Undoubtedly, not every car owner is ready to accept such disadvantages.


But the rigidity of rubber also has its advantages. An increase in the volume of noise and a decrease in comfort becomes a fee for reducing the cost of fuel, which reaches ten percent. In addition, the tires slowly wear out, which is also very important. The cost of these economy tires is about six thousand rubles per size R16.

Tips Profi, need quiet rubber


According to experts, it is simply meaningless when a selection of wheels navigate to the noise level. Modern models of tires before launching in mass production undergo mandatory testing. Therefore, you should pay attention to the presence of European certification from automotive rubber. In addition, noisy rubber is capable of creating significant interference only with poor sound insulation of the vehicle.
