Polishing the body of the car do it yourself, how to choose a polishing paste, useful tips

Another decade ago it was possible to dream about high-quality independent polishing without special equipment. For the very day there was a mass of polishing agents that allow it to do it on their own, saving their budget on acquiring a special typewriter and without spending a mass of time. How to polish the car yourself, which is a polishing of a vehicle without a machine, what features and nuances are given in this work? Read all this further in the article.

Polishing car price


Return a car to the former beauty, refreshing paints and, along with this, create an impressive protection against the influence of an aggressive external environment, is able to one of the main facilities of Avtuning - polishing. Currently, the masters are practiced two types of vehicle polishing - using the machine and without it manually. Each method is important and interesting in its own way.


Moreover, the work that is made manually is considered more jewelry and high-quality, because in this situation a smaller layer is removed, and there are no significant damage to the body surface than when working with a polishing device.


Vehicle polishing must be carried out in the following cases:

  1. Shagreen education.
  2. Pottacking of paints.
  3. The appearance of the flows.
  4. The presence of scratches, scratches.
  5. Mind of colors as a result of poor painting.


The cost of polishing in specialized workshops is quite different, which depends on many factors, for example, from the type of polishing. It is worth noting that to polish the car on its own much cheaper, as there is no need to pay for the cost of work.

Manual polishing car


There are three main types of polishing:

  1. Abrasive polishing. Used to eliminate small scratches. It consists of the following steps - rubbing cracks and rinks with a skin and polishing a car with a paste.
  2. Protective polishing. It is carried out using polyrolles that can be purchased in specialized stores. As a rule, protective polishing is used to give a car more pleasant and fresh look. To date, a huge selection of autocostectors is presented on the market, so the acquisition of the polyroli will not cause difficulties.
  3. Restorative polishing. It is desirable to entrust specialists from the car service. However, if you will often make an independent car polishing, then you will have rarely in the car service.

Basic rules for self-polishing of the body:

  1. Carefully approach polishing funds. Currently, the market is filled with the assortment of materials, but not all of them are equally effective. It should be borne in mind that polishing pastes are divided into categories, and each brand offers products of various quality with the presence of certain additional functions.
  2. Polishing work should be carried out in a lit, warm and well ventilated room. In Lomm, not to leave a single slope of the body cover, which will not have all the work done. Heat so that the materials do not lose their consistency. As for fresh air, during work with poisonous materials, it in any case is needed.
  3. Before polishing the car, be sure to wash the body so that tiny particles of dust and dirt will not deform the paintwork in the process of operation.
  4. It should not be carried out in a single garage polishing work simultaneously with others, for example, with shtchelivation or primer treatment, since tiny particles of other materials are able to settle on polishing, which will lead to great trouble.

preparation of a car for polishing

  1. First of all, wash the car. The body must be completely clean before polishing.
  2. Next you need to dry the vehicle.
  3. Then necessarily degrease the body surface, for which use a special degreaser or diluted White spirit. He will give the opportunity to get rid of various pollution, for example, bituminous spots. In addition, the polyrolol is better to fall on the degreased surface and longer on it holds.

tools, fixtures, consumables


  1. Polishing sponge.
  2. Protective scotch.
  3. Microfiber napkins.
  4. Polishing paste.

polishing pasta



All polyters can be divided into two categories - non-abrasive and abrasive. The latter are designed to polish the car with the removal of the initial paint and varnish coating. Apply abrasive pastes only with an extremely poor body condition, and if the vehicle is new, then use such polyroli is not recommended.


In addition, apply abrasive polyters should be extremely careful. It is not necessary to diligently polish one spot for a long time, because in the literal sense you can "wipe the hole".

Rough abrasive pastes. They are intended for rough (preliminary) polishing. The need for coarse polishing appears if the vehicle has an old and strongly sweat coverage with the presence of defects in the form of shallow scratches and scratches.


Thin abrasive pastes. Make it possible to return the brilliance with old coatings that are not strongly swept. Thin abrasive polishing pastes make it possible to remove small scratches that remained after the pre-coarse polishing.

Non-abrasive polishing pastes. The main active substance of these materials - wax. Being confused into a thin film with the help of polishing napkins, the wax increases the existing gloss. Also, non-abrasive belongs to wax-based pastes, which are designed to protect the gloss. Their main purpose is to increase the resistance of the polished surface to atmospheric precipitation and sinks.


what polyrolol to choose for manual polishing of the car

The question is always important - what to choose a polyrolol for manual polishing of the car. Since the options on the mass market, everything depends on your purpose and financial capabilities. An excellent option will be a 3M polyrolol. As a rule, it goes in a liter container and is designed for the operational giving the surface of a high-quality gloss, as well as to ensure protection against various scratches. It can be treated with both the body of the car and its individual items. It contains a non-volatile silicone, and the 3M polyrolol is applied using a one-sided napkin. The approximate value of this substance is 2000 rubles.


Polishing auto do it yourself, step by step

  1. First of all, it should be conventionally divided by a vehicle into several parts. The polyrolol must be applied in parts, and not on the whole car entirely. It is very important because you must first apply the tool, wait about 15 minutes while it is absorbed, after which polish the surface. If you apply a polyrolol immediately to the entire car, then you risk you do not have time in 15 minutes. When this time expires, the composition will freeze and will not be polished.
  2. Next we applied the tool. The body coating will gradually be more purzy as the polyrolol is frozen.
  3. Now we water with a polishing sponge.
  4. Then, with a special cloth, you can apply a fixer with a wet shine effect.
  5. It is important not to put a car in the sun, as the polyrolol will fall asleep instantly.
