Tires brands for passenger cars, labeling of car tire labeling, residual passenger car tire protector, how to pick a tire on a car brand, car tire tread pattern

To ensure the maximum safety of passengers and the driver on the road, the selection of tires along the vehicle brand should be properly carried out. They must have the appropriate parameters to ensure the full implementation of all functions entrusted to them. ABS system, belts and airbags - all this is good. However, the main role in the safety of riding is the tires. This component of the design performs a number of essential functions - the adhesion of the vehicle with the road, holding the car from the drift when turning. In addition, instant braking is performed at the expense of tires.

Auto strokes possible trouble if the auto strokes do not meet the standards


The correct selection of automotive tires can be made only if there is a sufficient amount of the necessary information. Selection of tires on a car brand must be based on the recommendations of the vehicle manufacturer.


When installing the tires of a different size on a vehicle, the quality of the ride can worsen, and the tires will be faster. If you put a larger tire on the car than it is recommended, it is possible that the tire will be rubbed about the pendant components, as a result of which the latter will fail. When the tires are installed on a car, the movement will be more rigid, the discs will be much more likely to be able to damage them, and an increase in the load on the driving part of the vehicle will also occur.


Tire size on car brand, selection rules

The main parameter when selecting the tires - the height and width of the tire. The manufacturer, as a rule, provides recommendations on the range of tire size, which is suitable for specific vehicles in accordance with the wheel drives mounted on the machine.


You need to choose the magnitude of the tires depending on the power of the engine of this car and on which wheels are installed on the vehicle (stamped, wrought-iron or cast). You follow from the allowable tire sizes recommended by the manufacturer. When choosing the widest tires from admissible, it is worth considering that they have their advantages and disadvantages.


Advantages of wide tires:

  1. Best course stability.
  2. The car accelerates faster and is better inhibits.
  3. Large contact area of \u200b\u200btires with expensive.

Disadvantages of wide tires:

  1. Increase fuel consumption.
  2. The car becomes harder.
  3. Considerable cost in comparison with standard tires.
  4. Reducing stability when entering the water at speed.


However, one thing can be said with confidence - wide tires are desirable to install on transport with large wheel arches and a large volume of motor. When installing wider tires on a car, get ready for extensive costs for its operation.


Sizes of auto strokes that say numbers and letters

The designation of the size of the tire (for example, 195/60R14) indicates:


  1. 195 - The width of her profile, which represents the distance expressed in millimeters, between the external sidewalls of the puffed tire without taking into account elevation as a result of labeling, protective belts or finishing.
  2. 60 - The ratio of the tire profile height to its width, expressed as a percentage.


It is important to know that the height of the profile is the percentage of the tire height from its width. For example, 195/60 informs that the width of the tire is 195 millimeters, and its height is 60 percent of the width of 195 millimeters. That is, 195x60% \u003d 117 millimeters. It turns out that the tire height is 117 millimeters.


If the percentage of the height of the auto stroke is less than 60 or 50 percent, it is considered low-profile. The letter R indicates a radial ("Radial") tire design and the mounting diameter of the rim. The latter is measured in millimeters and inches. When translated, it is believed that one inch is 25.4 millimeters. For example, we consider the labeling of the Type R14, which means not the fourteenth radius, but the radial design of the tire and its diameter of fourteen inches.

Tread pattern, types of protectors


Symmetrical protector:

The tires with this type of tread pattern there are both their advantages and disadvantages. Benefits include reliability and low cost of tires. Cons - low operating performance in comparison with tires with directional and asymmetrical pattern.


Directional tread pattern:


The tires with the directional tread differ in one feature - they should rotate only in a certain direction, which is indicated by the arrow, which is poured on the side of the tire. If it is incorrectly installed the auto stroke, the driving quality of the car is significantly deteriorating, and the tire will be exposed to rapid wear. The disadvantage of this type of tires is impossible to rearrange them on the right side to the left and vice versa. As a "spare" in the presence of this type of tires, it is better to choose the right, since it is most prone to puncture.


Asymmetrical tread pattern:


Tire data must be installed in a specific method. On the sidewalls of tires with the asymmetrical protector there are the following inscriptions:

  1. OUT SIDE - This text should be directed outward.
  2. In Side - This text should be directed inside the vehicle.

With incorrect installation of such tires, ride indicators significantly deteriorate and their wear is increasing.


The popularity of tires with an asymmetric pattern of the tread is growing every year. This is due to the fact that such a protector provides better running characteristics in comparison with other types of tires. Of particular prevalence, they use the wealthy owners of expensive cars.

Tire speed index, decoding


The speed index indicates the maximum setting speed of the tire:

  1. P - 150 km / h.
  2. Q - 160 km / h.
  3. R - 170 km / h.
  4. S - 180 km / h.
  5. T - 190 km / h.
  6. U - 200 km / h.
  7. H - 210 km / h.
  8. V - 220 km / h.
  9. VR -\u003e 210 km / h.
  10. Y - 270 km / h.
  11. ZR -\u003e 240 km / h.

Speed \u200b\u200bcategory assigned to the tire from the test results indicates the maximum speed which the tire is able to withstand. E. The speed above which there is no guarantee that the tire starts to fall apart. It is worth noting that for the operation is set so-called "gentle" mode - the vehicle must travel at a certain speed, which should be 15 per cent less than "permissible" tires.

load index of the tire, decoding


Load Index indicates the limit weight bearing, resistant bus. Affixing two-digit number on the lid mathematically does not apply to the definition of the kilogram - a conditional category.

Tips Pros: right tires guarantor of security

When choosing tires important recommendation is to install on the vehicle of the same tires on all four wheels. Otherwise, you can lose control of the car's handling. On one axis transport need only install the same tires, tires with different tread pattern or a different size can be mounted only on the other of the vehicle axle.

Do not set up on one axis various sizes of tires and tires with different tread patterns.


You should not purchase tires already were in use, as this may adversely affect your safety. Buy tires only in specialized centers, where they are correctly install the drive and balance. Experts also prompt you with all the nuances of operation and selection of different types of tires.


Experts advise to be in the presence of at least two sets of tires - winter (on the "Velcro" or spikes) and other high-quality tires for the safe operation of the vehicle in the rest of the year. Besides, if you live in one of the regions where rainfall often, think about expanding the set of tires and make a purchase of special rain tires.
