Viscounts of the fan, work uniforms of the fan, malfunction of the ventilator fan, repair of the ventilator fan

The ventilator is an important element of the vehicle cooling system. It coordinates the operation of the fan, which depends on the ambient temperature and the heating of the motor. The higher the temperature of the motor, the more intense the fan should work in order to cool the engine and prevent its overheating.

To date, most car enthusiasts have only an abstract idea of \u200b\u200bthe Viscounts of the fan. And only some drivers know what the Vussft is, how it works and how to repair it independently in case of breakdown.

Viscous fan, how the Viscounts works

The Viscouft is a specialized device that can rotate the cooling fan due to the use of a special fluid. The device is characterized by a circular shape having a silicone base that is filled with lubricant and serves to properly adjust the fan. At first glance, the principle of operation of the Viscounts may seem complicated, but, in fact, it is not the case - the crankshaft is able to rotate and transmit energy to the first clutch shaft. Then, the device is accelerated, as a result of which the viscosity of the silicone inside it is enhanced. Next, the clutch is blocked, which contributes to the rotation of the second disk, on which the radiator fan is located.

The Viscuft is actually used on all engines, since such a device is quite safe and reliable. If in the mechanism that moves, due to inexperience or negligence, shove your hand, the device will stop, thus preventing injury.

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There is a viscous food in the center of the impeller of the fan, and the bimetallic spring is mounted on its front. Inside the case, the viscous products are flat discs. Some of them are connected to the slave shaft, and the other part is with the lead. A variety of holes and protrusions are located on their surface. In addition, these elements are very close to each other. The inner silicone fluid is capable of thickening with intense stirring and expand when heating, which creates a considerable pressure on the discs during the motor operation and squeezes them together.

The Viscuft invented the engineer Melvin Severn in 1917 in the United States. The product has not been recognized for a long time, according to this, it was not immediately applied. But already in 1965, Viscounts took its place in the automotive motor. To date, the Viscuft can be found almost on each engine, it is directly related to the importance of device functions and the quality of its work.

Causes of the breakdown of the Viscounts, how to detect a breakdown

After a long idle of the vehicle, it is necessary to change the oil in the Viscuft, as well as to check its condition and work as a whole. Also, it may fail as a result of wear or for any other reasons.

It is very difficult to diagnose the breakdown of the Viscounts in regular conditions, however, there are ways to check its performance. To inspect the device, you need to pay attention to the speed of the mechanism when the cold and warmed motor is turned on. If the engine is cold, it should not have different extraneous sounds in it, and turnover should be optimal. With a preheated engine, malfunctions are possible and extraneous noises.

Such problems arise as a result of an untimely replacement of oil or failure of bearings. In addition, the damage cause can be the leak of silicone fluid or sealing the glands.

Replacement of silicone fluid with their own hands, step by step

If you have found a malfunction in the work of the Viscuples, you should not hurry to change the item to a new one. You may be able to repair the mechanism yourself.

The most common cause of the exit of the Viscounts is due to the leakage of silicone fluid from the base of the element.

To repair the item on your own, you should pour a new liquid, for which it is necessary to perform a certain series of actions:

1. Announce the viscous meat from the water pump and disassemble it.

2. Pay attention to the device disk. On its surface there is a plate with a spring, under it there is a hole that is intended for silicone fluid. You need to accurately remove the pin and pour lubricant inside using a special syringe. During such a repair, the part should be in a horizontal position.

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3. Fifteen milliliters of silicone fluid will be enough for influence.

4. Fill the liquid is slow and gently.

5. Do not remove the syringe from the hole at once, wait a while, until the substance is fully charged by the Viscounts.

6. If necessary, wipe the surface of the mechanism from excess silicone fluid.

7. We put the pin to the place, after which, by mounting the device back.

If you do not particularly understand the principle of the vehicle and its parts, you should not independently carry out repairs. And the point here is not even in the breakdown of the elements of the car, but in the fact that it is very difficult to collect all the details in the reverse order.

Bearing does not work, how to detect

Very often the cause of the malfunction of the Viscounts are bearings. The only sign of such a breakdown is the unusual diverse noises in the cooling radiator.

Removing and replacement of the bearing, step by step

1. Preceded repair work, it is necessary to remove the device from the main engine design. The element is attached on three bolts, which should be unscrewed, after which the viscous food is easily removed from the motor compartment.

2. Now you can proceed directly to replacing the bearing. Do not forget to disassemble the node and drain the oil fluid. To remove the bearing, you should use a special puller. Scientific means are not desirable to apply in order not to damage the node.

3. Now you should install a new bearing and mount the device back. Do not forget to pour a new silicone fluid that was merged before replacing the element.

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Very often, when repairing the viscous coupling, it is difficult to find a special puller to remove the old bearing. Such a tool is not sold in every store of automotive spare parts, which significantly complicates the repair of the Viscounts on their own. As for the rest of the details, it is easy to find them.

It is worth saying that it is not all such mechanisms a hole for the fill of silicone fluid. Masters, having extensive experience, make such holes independently, however, the beginners should not be like risking. In addition, it should not use gross physical strength during manipulations, since you can completely damage the node.

Repair of the Viscounts UAZ Patriot, the course of work stages

To repair the viscous coupling on Marki UAZ vehicles, you should follow a certain series of actions:

1. Consider the device.

2. We dismantle the impeller with the Viscouft.

3. Unscrew the impeller fixing studs, there are two.

4. Through a hole of one of them, we pour the working fluid.

5. Pour gasoline into the device and rinse it carefully.

6. Pour gasoline and drying to full removal.

7. Fill in the Viscuft new Silicone oil PMS - 10,000. As a rule, the forty gram of this composition is poured, however, for various models, the wicked amount may differ.

8. We collect the device and mounted in place.

The Viscounts in the process of operation does not require any special maintenance and, often, without any problems, functions for a long time. However, to ensure the qualitative functioning of the Viscounts, it is necessary to monitor its purity. In particular, with its surface, it is necessary to remove oil drips and various contaminants that can interfere with its optimal work. The dirty viscous food can work with the receipt or not at all to heat up to the required temperature, as a result of which the fan control will be incorrect.
