Steering rail rail, knock of steering rack, reasons for the knock and repair of the steering rack do it yourself

Undoubtedly, all drivers know that the steering wheel is part of a vehicle that allows it to control it. However, only some of them are interested in how the rotation of the steering wheel moves the front wheels and retains them in the required position. To answer this question, you need to consider the steering rail device in detail and the principles of its work.

Device steering rack

At the moment, the steering rail mechanism is the most common and current control system used in cars. It is more accurate and has a smaller number of moving elements that can quickly wear either requiring repair.

Many rack devices in cars are based on two components - gear and rack. Such a mechanism guarantees the long-term operation of the entire system, which, with a high-quality installation, will not break over 100 thousand kilometers or more.

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But, there are cases when the device still needs to be repaired. Most of these problems can be solved by independent repairs using suitable tools. However, some difficult situations require help of professionals.

The design of the rush device itself is not difficult. Reducer, or steering rack - this is part of the mechanism in the vehicle, which controls the movement of the wheels and the desired direction of the car. In fact, it moves the lead gear associated with the steering wheel.

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When the steering wheel is rotated, the rail moves in the right direction and causes the thrust of the steering drive, which, in turn, forces the wheels to rotate.

Steering rack and her problems

Although the steering rack is reliable, it still has several drawbacks:

1. It is sensitive to shocks due to bad roads.

2. It is prone to vibration activity.

3. It increases the burden on the details.

4. It is difficult to install it.

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Steering Rake, how to find out in what condition it is

It is possible to determine the state of the gearbox on the observation pit when the motor is turned off. Such diagnostics will help determine whether independent repair of the node is possible. Otherwise, its full replacement will be necessary.

To verify the state of the steering rack, it is necessary to gradually turn the steering wheel until it stops in different directions, which will help estimate the following points:

1. Check, whether there are no steering thrust in the hinge.

2. Determine the jealous and knock of the steering rack. If, when disconnecting rotary levers or transverse load, you all smoothly hear the knocks, you need to repair or replace the node at all.

3. Estimate for hearing or visually the position of the fixtures of the device.

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After identifying the reason, you will have three events development options:

1. You can eliminate the malfunction yourself.

2. You can repair the details in the workshop.

3. In extreme cases, you can completely replace the node to the new one.

Whatever it was, you can decide what to do with a broken part you can only. The complete replacement of the steering rack will fly to you in a penny, however, will last much longer than the independent repair or in the service center. By the way, a knock in the gearbox, sometimes heard even the newest and modern cars, regardless of the manufacturer.

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Knocking steering rack, reasons for knocking

There are several reasons for a reducer knock:

1. If the steering mounting connections are poorly tightened. You can correct the situation by adjusting all the nuts and bolts.

2. If the plastic reference bushing of the right or left side of the rail is worn out. When driving along the uneven road surface, some backlash is created, which forms the excess noise of the steering column.

3. Corrosion can also lead to the backup, which is pushing the sleeve. In this case, only replacement of the node can solve the problem.

4. If rubber covers are erased either damaged. Because of this, dirt and dust, wearing a sliding support and a toothed rack fall inside the device.

The main cause of the rapid wear of the support sleeve is too soft from which the rake is formed. When exposed to a bad road cover, it is quickly crushed, therefore should not buy this element in the original, you can add such items from the stronger material, in particular, from Kaprolon.

Tools assistants in the repair of the steering rack

To repair the gearbox yourself, you will need the following details:


2. Sealers.

3. Selns.

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Steering rake What type is on your car

The removal and replacement process of the gearbox is the same for all cars. However, there is still some difference, namely how to dismantle it. Before removing and replacing such a power amplifier, it is necessary to find out its specific type, which is installed on your vehicle, and there are several of them - the usual distribution mechanism, with a hydraulic cell and with an electric powerful.

Before dismantling the steering rack with a simple rack mechanism, it is necessary to free the fastenings of the steering tips, after which you need to relax the bolted fasteners and remove the cardan engagement.

If your car is installed on your car, the release of high pressure tube is required and, after that, the drainage of the working fluid into the free container.

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It is not recommended to remove the steering rack yourself with an electric powerful, because it is necessary to remove it, it is necessary to remove the subframe of the car, which is unrealistic to produce one.

Steering rack, do-it-yourself repair, work step in stages

1. Repairing the steering rack. It is necessary to remove the gearbox together with the traction, this will allow you to qualitatively establish anthers.

2. Disassemble.

3. We clean from dirt arch and accumulation of all elements.

4. Change spoiled parts.

5. Checking the shaft.

Tips of professionals, how to prevent failure of the steering rack

To avoid knocking in a toothed rail, choose a smooth engine driving vehicle. You should not check the operation of the car with a rapid acceleration of the vehicle before the obstacle or, on the contrary, with a sharp braking. In addition, it is necessary to park properly to avoid the wheel knock on the borders. Such shocks from the wheels are sent to the steering.

Also, it is necessary to periodically carry out the maintenance of the entire vehicle and this mechanism in particular. It is necessary to monitor the reliability of fastenings and the health of protective covers.

The steering mechanism in your vehicle consists of elements that are designed to provide a smooth, even and stable ride. However, when driving through bad road surfaces, some details are capable of wear and often break. Therefore, if while driving, you heard a knock, it is quite possible that your vehicle has malfunctions in a toothed rail.

With most such problems, every motorist can cope with their own, but more serious damage, for example, corrosion of the support rack, lead to an absolute replacement of the steering rack. Anyway, before eliminating the knock in the steering rake, the complete diagnosis of the steering mechanism is required.

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At the end itself, I would like to bring several reasons for the high cost of the gearbox:

1. Vehicle producers do not produce universal spare parts, and for specific car brands, thereby "tied" to themselves the consumer.

2. Most parts cannot be repaired, they can only be replaced with new ones.

3. The steering rails of modern foreign cars are manufactured by counting on the normal working conditions, for example, to high-quality maintenance and good pavement. And the materials use not the most reliable, which leads to a quick wear, considering our bad roads.
