ABS car, what is ABS car, ABS system malfunction, ABS diagnostics

Before the appearance of the ABS system in the automotive industry (and it happened in the 70s of the 20th century), cars were more dangerous. Especially if you drove around wet, iced or snow-covered road. Then old cars were equipped, as a rule, the usual brake system, devoid of electronics, rear-wheel drive and not very high quality tires. However, today everything is different. Nowadays, most motorists do not even think about the current brake systems, as they feel confident even while driving on the road, which is very looked out or a few centimeters covered with snow.

The bottom line is that most of the modern transport is equipped with a front-wheel drive, which gives the driver confidence driving, modern rubber, demonstrating the wonders of the clutch with a road surface, and electronic security systems. One of the most important systems in the car is the ABS system - an anti-lock brake system, which will be discussed in the article.

ABS system, what is this system

In the automotive industry, ABS has become a standard equipment that is currently mounted in fact to each vehicle produced by automotive companies. The main purpose of this system is to preserve the controllability and stability of the car on the road. ABS significantly reduces the braking machine path, and also prevents the wheel lock, which can entail the clutch loss with the roadpapers and, accordingly, skidding.

ABS system, as it works and how it works

The ABS system includes such components: Speed \u200b\u200bsensors mounted on the vehicle wheels, electronic control unit and hydraulic valves, which, according to the electronic block signals, adjust the defined brake force in each wheel without the participation of the motorist. Wheel sensors track the speed of rotation of the vehicle wheels and constantly transmit data to the computer.

If the ABS block sees that the wheel stopped rotating, it performs the activation of the valves of the hydraulic brake system, which reduces the brake pressure in this wheel. As a result, the brake fluid pressure drops in the wheel and the braking force decreases, which contributes to the unlocking of the wheel and return its clutch with the road surface. This process is repeated many times until the vehicle stops, or the driver will not let go brake pedal.

Why lights and does not go out ABS error on the dashboard

The computer of the car and the ABS control unit each time during the ignition switching on the anti-lock brake system is performed. In other words, always when you start the vehicle, automatic testing of the ABS system is performed. If, when self-testing, the computer is not enough information from sensors, hydraulic valves and ABS control unit, the warning lamp lights up on the instrument panel. For example, if the ABS control unit or the car's computer does not receive a signal from valves mounted on each wheel, or from the brake system hydraulic pump, an error in the form of an indicator (icon) will turn on the dashboard.

Is it possible to operate a car with a burning ABS icon

It is worth noting that despite the breakdown of the ABS system and the occurrence of the burning indicator in the instrument panel, in your machine, as a rule, the mechanical brake system continues to function, therefore, in principle, you can continue to move, but without an electronic system that prevents the blocking of the wheels when braking. That is, if the ABS system has failed, you can safely exploit the car.

True, in this case you need to be extremely careful when braking on a wet, snow-covered either by a slippery road, since the wheels of your car without the ABS system can be blocked. Therefore, in the event of a malfunction, ABS has not recommended a long period to operate the car without appropriate repair, on the contrary, it is desirable to diagnose the cause of the error and eliminate it as soon as possible.

In which case, you need to contact the technical center for the diagnosis of the brake system

So. In your car on the instrument panel, the icon is on or a warning lamp warning about the problem with the anti-lock brake system. In this case, first of all, it is necessary to make sure that the light indicator testifies to the problem with ABS, and not about the malfunction of the entire brake system. To check it carefully listen to your car when braking and pay attention to the brake pedal.

If when braking you hear extraneous noise (screens, knocks, whistle and so on) or the brake pedal has become too soft (softer than usual), then your direct road to the technical center, where experts will conduct a thorough diagnosis of the entire brake system. Remember that these symptoms talk about a serious breakage of the entire brake system, which can entail an accident when driving. Therefore, if the brakes in your car have become bad, it is not recommended to continue the operation of the car, as it is very dangerous. It is better to call the tow truck in this case.

How to find the cause of the lighting of ABS light bulb and eliminate the error of electronics

In order to find out that the lit-up ABS lamp caused the breakdown of the anti-lock braking system, it is also necessary to make sure that the brake system does not have air that the brake pedal as before is rigid and the brake fluid leakage does not occur in the braking system. For this, first of all, it is necessary to check the level of the brake fluid, after which all brake hoses and tubes are for depressurization.

In addition, seeing the ABS icon on the instrument panel after turning on the ignition, do not rush to panic. It is possible that it is a simple and fairly widespread car electronics error. Try turning off the ignition and remove the key from the lock, after which turn it on and check it again, whether the ABS icon appears on the dashboard. Repeat this procedure several times. Perhaps this is the usual error of the vehicle computer and after several shutdowns and inclusions of ignition, the system error will disappear.

If after that an ABS error has not disappeared, it is advisable to go to the car service where you need to carry out computer diagnostics of the vehicle. The main feature of the diagnosis of the ABS system is an electronic survey of its block using special equipment on probable errors in the system. With this diagnostics, the specialist defines an error code that led to the ABS signal indicator instrument panel. This error code suggests where to look for the cause of the ABS system breakdown.

How to check the reason for the sunbathing ABS do it yourself

Please note that on some models of cars you can access the verification of the fault codes stored in the computer without the use of a special scanner. To do this, check each electronic vehicle block (in particular the ABS control unit) using the old proven method: two wires that must be connected to the appropriate electrical system connectors. For example, connect two wires to check the circuit closer in the ABS block. To do this, the wire data must be connected to the ABS block connector and close them with a clip or pin.

If the ABS error after that disappears from the instrument panel, then the reason for its appearance is an error in the ABS control unit. Certain contacts can also be connected using a pin or paper clips without the use of wires. If your car is equipped with a modern computer, where error diagnoses is made only by connecting the scanner to the Diagnostic OBD II port, then only an electronic diagnosis can be made to establish the cause of the ABS indicator on the instrument panel, which can be done or in the technical center, or using the acquired inexpensive error scanner on the OBD II diagnostic port.

Tools, fixtures and consumables

To diagnose the system without the use of expensive equipment, it will take service manual to your car (book for use and repair your vehicle model), a regular set of car tools that can be bought in any automata, as well as a multimeter with a high impedance (high resistance). If it fails to find on sale service-manual repair for your car model, look for it on the Internet and download to your computer or smartphone.

How to check the ABS Control Block Fuse

Suppose that while you do not have any error information in the automotive computer, which led to the air of the ABS icon on the instrument panel. Do not hurry with computer diagnostics. To begin with, check the fuse of the anti-lock control system. After all, it is not rarely the cause of failures in the operation of the ABS system is the output of this fuse.

How to check for damage to the wire and connectors of the wiring harness suitable to ABS

So, we conducted a check of the ABS control unit fuse. If it is a worker, it is necessary using a multimeter to check the voltage and resistance in all electronic parts of ABS. To do this, take the repair and operation of the car and familiarize yourself with all the control values \u200b\u200bof the resistance and voltage in the ABS sensors, as well as directly in the ABS block.

However, before this, check the main wiring harness connected to the anti-lock control system control unit. It is necessary to carefully inspect the wires that are responsible for the health capacity of ABS, for damage. Also, you should pull the wire harness connector from the ABS block and inspect the contacts in the connector for oxidation, pollution, and so on. It is important that all contacts are clean. In the presence of contaminants, clean them with the help of an aerosol spray, specially intended for cleaning electrical connectors and contacts.

Corrosion of contacts why corrosion can provoke ABS error

Also during the inspection of the contacts of the wiring harness connector, you need to pay attention to corrosion of contact data. Remember, even minor corrosion chemicals and oxidation are able to increase resistance to the ABS electrocups. Since a small voltage of electricity (millivolts) is transmitted through the wires, even the minimum increase in resistance as a result of contamination of the connector contacts is able to entail incorrect operation of the entire ABS electrical system, in particular, and provoke an error leading to light on the ABS display instrument panel.

How to check wheels rotation sensors

If the anti-lock system controller is a whole and working, and the disconnection of the ABS wiring harness connector does not help solve the problem of the burning ABS indicator on the instrument panel, it means that it is time to check the help of the wheel rotation speed sensors that transmit data to the ABS control unit. First of all, it is necessary to measure the resistance of the sensors, comparing them with the control indicators that are specified in the instruction manual for your machine.

If the resistance is within the acceptable norm, it is necessary to visually inspect the wheel speed sensors, as well as the wires suitable for them, and gear gears installed on each wheel. It is worth noting that at the moment there are sensors that require supply to electricity on many modern cars. Often, ABS sensors with a lounge effect are used (inside the sensor, the semiconductor plate is mounted), which, interacting with the magnetic ring located on the wheel hub, can fix the change in the magnetic field and the electron formation rate on the plate in the ABS sensor.

Unfortunately, not on all cars ABS sensors and their wires are reliably protected from the effects of an aggressive external environment. As a result, ABS sensors and wires are able to fail due to damage or dirt entering.

How to get to the sensors and wires

To check the status of the sensors and wires of the ABS system, first need to dismantle the wheels. For example, alternately, lifting the car by the jack from the required side. So you will get access to wires and sensors. If during the inspection of the sensors and the wiring harness of the anti-lock brake system, you will detect damage or notice that the sensor is not quite securely fixed and hangs out, consider the reason for the occurrence of an error on the instrument panel that reports ABS faults is found.

If during the inspection of external damage you did not find, remove the speed sensors from the hub (or axis) and check with the help of a multimeter of their resistance (if you did not do this before). Control testimony in speed sensors can be viewed in a special book on the operation and repair of your car model.

It is worth noting that all car owners are recommended to systematically inspect the wires of wheel rotation sensors even if ABS is functioning properly and the ABS indicator does not light up on the instrument panel. The point is that since the speed and wire sensors are located below the vehicle, they are all the time being aggressive influence of the external environment. The most important enemy of wheel and wire rotation speed sensors is snow, water and salt, which is contained in the road reagent.

WHY ABS light bulb is on if the electronic system is working

If during the test you found that all electronic parts of the anti-lock system are good, but nevertheless the ABS indicator on the instrument panel is still lit, most likely the problem is the hydraulic system of the anti-lock brake system valves, which is not subject to partial repairs.

Tips Prof.

In this case, you need to contact the technical center for checking the hydraulic brake system of your machine and possible repair. In addition, you can dismantle the ABS hydraulic block, after which it is possible to test it using special equipment by using specialized literature.
