Car discs, how to choose, from practicality to luxury

Modern motorists are ready for everything to make their car really unique and unique. Of course, demand gives rise to a sentence, and not only high-quality parts began to appear in the auto parts market, but also glamorous accessories, as well as supplements designed to create a car memorable image.

Types of car drives

The most common way to "dress" your car is to install wheels. Thanks to the limitless fancy of designers, car owners can choose exactly the one that corresponds to their car from thousands of variants of unique discs.

In order not to get confused in the variety of types and design of discs, you should first get acquainted with the benefits and features of each of them. So, today there are three types of automotive drives:

  • cast;
  • forged;
  • stamped.

Consider each more.

Stamped wheels

Such discs are made of steel, which is paid in a special mold forming internal and external rims as a result.

Subsequently, the two of these rims are welded.

Huge plus stamped discs in their incredible plasticity.

If on the way you will fall into the rush or pit, the disk will change its form, which will make it easier to make the load on the tires.

It is possible to return the disk to the disk, it can be done on your own manually, thanks to the same flexibility of the material.

Another advantage of this type of disc is in their low price. However, in order for the product as long as possible, choose models painted by powder enamel, which will protect them from the influence of adverse external factors, such as various reagents, as well as moisture.

Minus stamped disks in their not very attractive appearance, however, this can be corrected with the help of the caps, which is a huge amount on the market.

As a result, the design of stamped discs is sometimes not inferior to more expensive fellows.

Wheel discs cast

This type of discs are produced using aluminum and magnesium alloy. Advantages cast drives They contribute to their lightness, thanks to which the car perfectly behaves on the road of any level.

In addition, such discs look quite expensive and luxuriously on any car, so it is most often the choice of ambitious car enthusiasts falls.

Alloy wheels are considered the most popular and demanded view of the discs, thanks to their excellent characteristics and a huge range of various designs, among which any owner of the car will find something close in spirit and capable of giving a car to the second life.

Another plus consists in shocking disks, in most cases the product is not deformed and retains its primary appearance.

However, if a crack appeared on the disk, it is impossible to restore it, the only output is replacement.

Wrought disks

In essence, this is a variant of aluminum disks.

With their manufacture, a special technology is applied to make the disk perfectly stable and wear-resistant.

Due to the ease of disks, the load on the other parts of the car is significantly reduced, which significantly increases the life of their operation.

The huge advantage of forged discs is in their invulnerability.

It is almost impossible to damage or create a crack on such a product, however, because of the most complex manufacturing technology, they are far from cheap, therefore they are the popularity of them much lower than that of cast discs.

Spoke disk

The classification of automotive drives is not limited to the three most common types.

Of course, there is another class available only to the most secured strata of society.

These disks are truly elite and called spokes.

They are produced on ancient technology and have a luxurious design, as well as a huge assortment of shades, and we are not talking about the usual coating, but about gilding and chromium, which is on the pocket of only true connoisseurs of the beautiful.

In addition to luxury and high cost, luxury discs have some useful practical characteristics.

One of them is their structure that provides good ventilation to braking mechanisms, thereby increasing their service life.

New technologies in the production of automotive drives

However, the spokes are not the most modern and elite. New technologies are developing, and now new horizons opened before the manufacturers of disks, thanks to the use of revolutionary and gaining nano-technologies.

In the process of creating disks, a small layer of nano material is applied to the product, which allows the disk to self-clean.

This is a real breakthrough in the development of automotive discs.

Such products are practically not amenable to the harmful effect of moisture, do not rust, are not corrosion and almost impossible to deform.

Without a doubt, these are discs of a new generation, which over time will replace or modify all of the above species.
