Car wash: species, dignity and disadvantages

Nowadays, the car is face as well as a business card of his master. Therefore, every car owner wants his "steel horse" to be launched. At the same time, much time and money, as a rule, no one has. The benefit of the fact that competition among car washes is also rather big, and choose from what. Only first it will not hurt to figure out that each of them represents, and what they differ from each other.

So, let's begin. All car washes differ in categories.

Manual contact car wash

This is the most common version of the car wash.

Types of car wash. Differences, advantages and disadvantages of various car wash

It resembles an independent sink and includes the following types of work:

- washing with detergents and specialized car ships;

- wiping with a special very soft material.

The unconditional advantage of such a car wash is the achievement of the most difficult to reach in the car, the speed of work and relative efficiency.

How to choose car wash

And in the case of any lights in the work of the car owner, they will immediately see and can fix it right on the spot, pointing to the service personnel.

However, if the case is in the unscrupulousness of the employee and he leaves shortcomings from time to time, then it is pretty to spend his nerves and time.

Manual contactless car wash

This is a relatively new direction of the car wash, it originated about 10 years ago and is not very popular yet.

Such a sink implies a car coverage with the help of PainPistolet with special foam.


Then this foam is washed off with ordinary water and then the car is dried with a hairdryer of high power.

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An obvious advantage of such a car wash is the lack of manual wipes, when an employee, without having calculated forces, maybe it may not be enough to damage the painting of the car.

Ragged also in order to optimize the funds of the company are often used longer than the term prescribed.

The same human factor can serve as a minus when the owner of the car wash really wants to reduce production costs, and it forces its employees to save detergents, reduce the time for drying (electricity saves).

Automatic contact car wash

Automatic contact car washes are often shown in foreign films filmed in Hollywood, that is, in the American film industry.

These car washes are two types:

- tunnel;

- Portal.

In the tunnel car wash, the machine on the conveyor moves along the wetting complex.

The first portal car wash in Pskov / Personal blog Nektoandrey / SMOTRA.RU

In the portal, the car stands in one place, but over it is moving a frame with various cleaning nozzles: rollers, brushes.

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The indisputable advantage of automatic contact car washes is the maximum minimum amount of time spent on the car washing.

And it does not affect the result.

The disadvantages of such car washes include their high costs, as well as the lack of confidence that hard-to-reach places.

Automatic contactless car wash

This is also a purely American car wash model.

The difference with automatic contact lies in the absence of any tools directly contact with the car.

The principle of operation of such a car wash is based on washing exclusively by water.

Types of car wash. Differences, advantages and disadvantages of various car wash

It is fed under the colossal pressure.

The advantage of this type of car wash is the full automatism of the entire washing cycle.

The only employee here is a cashier.

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That is, the human factor allowing the temptation to save on detergents and electricity, the fatigue of the washer, its poorlyness, and, in the end, subjective perception.

Unfortunately, this car wash is imperfect: its main disadvantage is that water is not able to remove strong and emerged pollution, and if seals or gum "lame", then water will definitely penetrate inside the cabin.
