Driving school external

Every year more and more people want to acquire a driver's license, and this is not surprising. Having received it and acquire his own car, a person gets a severity and comfort.

Education external, external training options

With the modern rhythm of life of the right, this is not a luxury, but rather need. At the moment, the period of study in some driving schools reaches 4 months. A few years ago, no one would believe in it, and now it is a reality. In addition to the costs of a huge number of its time, the training will have to pay at least 30 thousand rubles, in Moscow, the amount for training in a driving school reaches 50 thousand rubles. Not a very rainbow perspective, naturally suggests the question, and what other options remain?



Before the introduced changes to the rules for passing the exam, it was possible to undergo theoretical and practical training on their own, or agree with the instructor of the past certification and having a training vehicle (vehicle) that he would take up the preparation of a candidate for drivers. Currently it is impossible to do so.

The rights external

Until 2013, in our country was the official opportunity to get the right to external. It is impossible to get the rights external at the moment. But this does not interfere with some driving schools yet accelerate the course. For example, driving you pass with an instructor, and the theoretical training is engaged in yourself. But this approach is difficult to call "external", such training will go about 2 months. With this, you should still be registered in this driving school, and pay training.

There are also several ways to obtain rights at the "Accelerated Training rate" through driving schools, which we will not speak about. Driving schools practicing such "training" at any time can close, while you lose your money, and you never get the right.

What we rent in a driving school

When passing training in a driving school, you will challenses the "internal exams". In any driving school, as well as in the traffic police there are 3 exams.

theoretical exam

This exam is in the classroom equipped with computers on which they run a special program (almost identical to the traffic police program), you are generated from 20 questions to solve this ticket, 20 minutes are given. The number of permissible errors may vary, in some educational institutions is allowed only 1, and in others it can be 4.


There are no more than 2 errors on the traffic police exam.

exam on an autodrome

During the delivery of this exam, in the traffic police, you will be required to perform 3 exercises out of 5 possible (2 are determined during the exam, one mandatory). In driving schools, as a rule, all 5 perform during the internal exam.

Exercises running on the road:

Snake - When performing this exercise, you need to go around all the chips are not hurt them, and at the same time do not go over the side lines markup.


Turnout (in a limited space) - In this exercise, you must perform a reversal of 180 degrees, the length and width of the area for the reversal of the Rivne 2-M length of the vehicle.


Check in the garage (reverse) - you have to come to the garage with a rear, while not taped chips and without having left behind the markup line.


Parallel parking - as well as the garage is performed by reverse, only this time you must park the vehicle in parallel.


Estakada - all the favorite slide is perhaps the most difficult of all of the above exercises, it is mandatory for implementation. When performing this exercise, you must stop on the slope and put the vehicle on the handbrake, after that they will go and move the flight at the same time the car should not roll back or stall.


Before starting and at the end of each exercise, you must stop, put the vehicle on the handbrake and include neutral transmission.


urban Exam

This exam lasts at least 20 minutes, during which time you pass, adjustable and not adjustable intersections, rings, make reversals and stops.

Internal exams are the end of the graduation of cadet. As a rule, the requirements for internal exams are significantly higher, so they do to increase the chances of the cadet when passing the exam in the traffic police, since the emotional load in the traffic police is much higher, naturally and the chance of the error assumption increases at times. Only after the successful delivery of all internal exams, you are given a testimony about the end of training in a driving school, and you are allowed for exams in the traffic police.

Soon it is planned to tighten the rules for passing exams in the traffic police. So with the passage of the theoretical exam, for each of the permissible 2 errors, will be given 5 additional questions without the right to error. On the road instead of 3 exercises will have to do all 5. These changes will naturally reduce the number of people who passed these exams. Planned to introduce these changes from 2016, today these changes have not yet been enacted.

Individual teaching driving

To date, a huge number of driving schools appeared, the candidate for drivers have a choice, which one goes to go. In the middle of the statistical driving school, the future driver is given only 56 academic hours (45 minutes) devoted to practical driving of them 6 hours of training on a special simulator. Almost half of the remaining time is enlightened by monotonous riding on the road, and only 25-30 hours are allocated to driving in the city - this is categorically not enough for a complete mastery of driving skills.


Even if the cadet passes all exams, he is not going to ride on the road, he needs practice in the city. In a driving school, a person is taught to execute standard commands (turn left or right, select a place to stop, turn on the intersection and so on.) In a non-standard situation, the likelihood that a person is confused and will not respond to situations on the road or worse, its actions will exacerbate it to emergency. In any situation there is a way out, in this it is to hire an individual instructor, to exclude emergency situations in the future he will certainly not be able to teach calm and high-quality driving. In front of driving schools, the individual instructor has several advantages:

  • An individual schedule of classes that can always be changed without losing money paid for training.
  • At the request of the student, you can change the route.
  • The instructor will always help you who are interested in the question, whether it is practical or theoretical.
  • The ability to choose an instructor on a normal car (a fleet is very often obsolete in driving cops).

The individual instructor values \u200b\u200bits reputation, and does everything on it dependent for the cadet to pass the exam, and acquired a sense of confidence on the road. After all, with high-quality training and good results, it will be recommended to familiar and friends, and for the instructor, it is above all the work on which he earns money. In the driving schools, the instructor most often receive a fixed salary, and for most of them it does not matter as a future driver will drive a car after passing training and passing exams.

Is it possible to pass the exam in the traffic police externally without a driving school

To pass the exam in the traffic police, do not go around the testimony about the end of the driving school.


Even if you already have a driver's license and you just want to open an additional category, you will still have to be trained. So pass the exam in the traffic school without passing training in a driving school is not possible at the moment.

Pros and cons teaching driving external

For a long time, a real struggle was carried out for the possibility of rapid exams.


For the ability to pass the exam, some driving schools, one time even traffic schools and people wishing to get right in a short period of time. In 2013, the possibility of learning externally was abolished due to the fight against corruption and the increased DDT number with the participation of drivers without driving experience. Who did not like it, others supported this idea.
Consider the pros and cons of training externally:


  • Reducing the financial spending of the cadet for training.
  • Significant time savings.
  • Choosing a car of training driving (if you put you in a driving school on the VAZ 2106, then you will have to take it on it).
  • There is no need to re-undergo training in a driving school, with the opening of other categories.


  • A high percentage of accidents with the participation of newcomers drivers.
  • Corruption in the traffic police.
  • Insufficient knowledge of traffic rules (traffic rules) in the amount of the exam for passing the exam. In the driving school give deeper knowledge of PPD.
  • The colossal number of dishonest driving schools (driving schools could work without a license, the cars were in a terrible state and the attitude towards learning was nothing better).

To prohibit the exam surrender external, controversial solutions. It can be unambiguous to say that changes were needed in this area. They were the right or not, and what these changes made will bring time will lead time.
