What is intercepting parking, how to use intercepting parking

Free intercepting parking were invented to reduce the automotive flux and release of road tractures. About the features of such structures and principle, read further in the article.

What is intercepting parking, why are they needed

Intercepting parking - car parking, which are created to reduce the number of cars on the central streets and prevent kilometer traffic jams. They are located near the metro or ways of other public transport. Car owners at any time can leave the car on the intercepting parking lot and transfer to the subway, the bus or other public transport. But is it convenient, as it seems at first glance?

Of course, riding trams, metro, minibuses or buses is less comfortable than riding in your own car. It is rarely observed theft of wallets or phones. Some car enthusiasts are easier than half an hour to simultane in traffic, but come to the destination by their move. So, the convenience of intercepting parking lots is the relative matter. To date, in Moscow there are about 15 such structures, in St. Petersburg - 9.

Information signs, which information signs must be installed on intercepting parking lots.

At each parking lot, a certain sign informing the driver is installed, for which public transport he has the opportunity to recover. These are the following signs: 8.21-8.21.3.

Intercepting parking, paid or free

There are both paid and free intercepting parking lots. If the parking is paid, the plate 8.8 is postponed.

Pros and cons of intercepting parking

The advantages of intercepting parking include substantial unloading of roads. In addition, intercepting parking can be used not only for the purpose of transplanting on the subway, the bus and so on. The car owner can park the vehicle if he wants to visit the cultural and educational, commercial or some other building nearby.

As for the shortcomings of intercepting parking, it include the absence of a reserve of places. So, if road unloading is carried out, an increase in the number of bus routes should be provided, which would compensate for the convenience of the car.

How to use intercepting parking

The use of intercepting parking is actually no different from the standard:

  1. To park, it is necessary to call the platform to the right of the barrier.
  2. Then press the special button that will give the computer signal to the output of the parking card.
  3. When the barrier opens, drive and park.

All motorists can use the intercepting parking lot until the start of the night tariff. Near the entrance to the parking lot should hang a special table with painted tariffs. Parking space is not charged from 06:00 to 21:30.

How to pay for intercepting parking

Most of the intercepting parking works for free, because of which the demand for such services is increasing. On the parking lot on the parking lot, the driver gives a free parking ticket, but subject to a number of rides on the subway. The travel card must be paid on the same day until 21.30. It is like two trips on the subway. Otherwise, you will have to additionally pay for the basic parking rate.

Parking is paid through the terminal, which is installed in the parking lot:

  • We approach the device and click "right to pay parking space."
  • Apply the map to the yellow zone. At this point, you will see a message on the Monitor "Apply to the Yellow Circle Metro ticket." So you get the right to pay the parking lot.
  • Then you can pay in cash or bind bank plastic to the parking card.
  • Leave parking territory for 15 minutes after payment.

Parking is paid exclusively in place at the end of the working day. It is worth noting that the intercepting parking is actually fully automated, which makes it possible to significantly save time.

What cars, freight or passenger cars have the right to use intercepting parking

Casting parking lots have the right to use drivers of passenger cars. It is worth noting that the parking lot is forbidden to develop speed more than ten kilometers per hour. If the parking card was lost, you need to refer to the parking worker. Additionally, you will have to pay a fine, whose size is 500 rubles.

What cars do not have the right to use intercepting parking

  1. Cars without registration number.
  2. Broken machines.
  3. Passenger vehicles.
  4. Trucks weighing more than three tons.
  5. Overall cars - more than three meters in width and 21 meters long.

Some motorists do not want to spend money on payment of parking, leaving cars right in the middle of the streets. Follow the example of such drivers is undesirable - as you know, the miser pays twice. If the vehicle may remain unnoticed for the first time, in the second it will certainly go to the stradition, well, you will be discharged.
