Heater VAZ 2107. The stove of VAZ 2107 is bad, the stove scheme of the VAZ 2107, how to repair the stove on the VAZ 2107

When the window is becoming colder, every car owner thinks about the preparation of his car for the winter. Some motorists are limited to the replacement of motor oil and rubber. However, all systems that will have to work under reduced temperatures are required. The stove also requires special attention, as it is one of the main devices of the car, providing convenience and comfort in the cold period.

Where is the radiator of the stove VAZ 2107?

The stove itself is in the cabin and is attached to the partition of the motor compartment by four studs. The heater radiator is located in the casing, under it there is a fan stove. The place of connection of the stove with the car body is sealed with a rubber seal.

Device and principle of the heater of the salon of the VAZ 2107

The heating circuit consists of such components:

  • Heater, the main component of which is a radiator. It heats the air penetrating outside.
  • The stove fan (motor) sends heated air into the cabin. It is located in a special casing on elastic pillows that quit vibration.
  • The stove control system is the fan button, three heating modes management lever.

Principle of operation of the heating system:

  • The air to the stove enters the "grid" of the hood.
  • Behind the heater in the engine compartment there is a box for aircraft, isolated rubber seal.
  • Air passes through the radiator, where he warms. The degree of heating is regulated by the amount of hot fluid, which adjusts the heater valve. It is controlled by a flexible burden that goes from the control knob.

    Heater Regulator on the Seven Devices Panel
  • The air can enter the salon on their own at high velocity of the car under pressure, and may be carried away by the stove fan. Therefore, at high speeds, you can use the heating system without additional loads on the power supply.
  • The fan can operate at three speeds: neutral, high and low. Speed \u200b\u200bdata is provided by a resistor that increases the chain resistance and reducing the speed of the impeller. Use forced air circulation at low speed driving and traffic jams.
  • Under the influence of the fan, the warm air passes through the tubes to the side windows, windshield and deflectors. With deflector lattices, the air route can be changed for directional by blowing.

How are the nozzles of the stove 2107?

The heater radiator has two nozzles: removing and approaching. They are displayed in the motor compartment and are connected to the engine cooling system. The hole of their output is sealed with a rubber seal, which is attached by two self-draws. In the liner, the built-in tap stove. His task is adjusting the coolant receipt.

The main disadvantages of the heater 2107

As you know, the stove VAZ 2107 works very noisy, and he warms badly. Therefore, it is often subjected to modernization. So that in the cabin it was warm, it is necessary to increase the amount of heat supplied by radiator. The problem is based on the factory fan of the stove, which is too small and therefore is not able to create the required air flow.

Basic heating faults 2107 and how to eliminate them?

Often, the following malfunctions are found in the seven heating system:

  • The poor quality connection of air and pipe supply tubes.
  • Leather crane and radiator stove.
  • Fault of the heater electrical equipment - the oxidation of the wires, breakdown of the fuse or the stove motor. The fuse is located in a special block of the carboards of the car. The fuse block is on the partition between the motor compartment and the cabin on the passenger side.

Such breakdowns of the heating system may eliminate even a novice car enthusiast. More serious breakdowns lead to the need to buy a new stove.

To eliminate the faults described above, do the following:

  1. To begin with, visually inspect the parts of the heating system, for which you disassemble the stove and clean the dust and debris particles gathered in the summer time.
  2. One of the most common problems in the seven heating system is a bad sealing of the heater ducts. This problem is eliminated by processing the slots in the plastic components of the Silicone stove case. And the holes near the nozzles will warm the rag. Elimination of holes will reduce heat loss and will accompany the rapid warming of the cabin.
  3. The next step is to check the crane of the stove and the radiator for the presence of leaks.

    This is the main headache of the owners of domestic cars. If the nozzles or the heater crane are leaked, replace them with new products.

    In parallel, replace the sealing butt gaskets. In the case of leaking the radiator itself, there are two options for solving this problem. Often it is a copper radiator on the VAZ 2107. It can be sought. If the car is equipped with a radiator from copper, then it is not subject to repair and must be replaced.
  4. If, after performing the described prophylactic actions into the cabin of your car, cold air is still entered, the reason may be in a scored radiator. In this case, its cleaning will be required. Also rinse all nozzles and hoses.
  5. In order to prevent prevention, inspect the heater wiring for oxidation or poor contact isolation to avoid closures, burning the fuse and motor heating system. If the stove works, a sufficient visual inspection. Otherwise, it is necessary to check the functioning of the components of the electrocups using the tester.

Repair of the heating radiator 2107 do it yourself step by step

tools and materials

To perform work, you will need a set of end and horn keys and a cross screwdriver.

dismantling radiator

  1. Weakening the fastening clamps of the hoses of the stoves that are in the motor compartment.
  2. Remove hoses from the stove radiator nozzles. At the same time there is a slight leak of antifreeze.
  3. We unscrew the screws that fasten the rubber seal.
  4. We dismantle the seal.
  5. Remove the Magnittole Panel.
  6. Disconnect the cable from the stove crane.
  7. On the fan housing, we dismantle the brackets.
  8. Lower down the casing.
  9. We take out the heater radiator.

repair of radiator

Radiator repair actions depend on the cause and type of breakage. For example, a clogged radiator rinse the water pressure. If there is a scale on the walls of the honeycomb, remove it using a special tool that dissolves it. Leaf in a copper or brass radiator must be sought. With the help of solder and a powerful soldering iron, you can close the crack or hole. The dried aluminum radiator must be replaced.

assembling stove

Assembling the heater is performed in the reverse order. Work has several features:

  • Rubber gaskets replace new and lubricate them with silicone sealant.
  • Before assembling the heater, attach the nozzles and a crane to the radiator.
  • No need to drag nuts, otherwise you can crush the gaskets.
  • Before putting on rubber hoses, treat metal nozzles with a sealant.
  • When the heater is assembled and connected, the result of antifreeze into the system and check its tightness.

How to improve the work of the VAZ 2107 stove, methods of modernization

It is not rarely parallel to the prevention of the prevention of the heater faults and its settings of the car owner upgrade the heating system for its more efficient operation.

Often, in these purposes, the standard fan and the resistor change to the products from the VAZ 2108. The new fan has a larger size, thanks to which more heat is supplied, and the car salon warms up faster. The new fan becomes like a landocation actually without refinement. You only need to cut one aerodynamic comb with impeller. After that, it will also be necessary to replace the fan activation button on the button from the "eight".

To improve blowing the side windows, in some cases car owners are additionally installed in the deflectors small fans. Such improvements together with preventive work guarantee heat and comfort in the car, even in the coldest period.

Basic rules of operation and care radiator VAZ 2107

Timely diagnostics, preventive checks and cleaning elements of the heating system provide high-quality operation of the stove. Experts recommend checking the heating system at "seven" at least twice a year and carry out prophylactic flushing of the radiator at least once a year. With the execution of stove settings and preventive cleaning, any car owner will cope with independently, for which it is only necessary to understand the device of the heating system of the salon and the principle of its operation. To do this, it is easier to always have at hand the instruction manual for your car.

Tips Prof.

Do not postpone the measures to improve the operation of the heating system. Proper care is a guarantee of smooth operation of the stove and a comfortable temperature regime in the cabin at any time.
