Pencil for removal scratches, pencil New Ton, Autocarandas, Skol Pencil

Each happy owner of the car considers its vehicle with something special, spends quite essential funds for caring for it, and any scratch on the paintwork perceives extremely painful. It is largely due to the high cost of a new vehicle, as well as a significant decrease in its selling cost, even with minimal defects on the body.

Small damage to autocusa, why and how they appear

Sooner or later, scratches appear on any car, and it does not depend on the brand of your car, your driver's experience or driving manner. Small scratches may occur by car even in the most innocuous situations: stones that fly out from under the wheels of other transport, branches that can be larded, degrees and atmospheric precipitates, inaccurate parking neighbors and so on.

Small body scratches, which threatens the car

Scratches are not just a cosmetic defect. Water penetrating through damage, dirt, chemical reagents entail the formation of body corrosion foci, to struggle with which is much more complicated. Especially serious consequences have scratches, obtained in winter, which is due to constant falls there with water with chemical reagents that roads sprinkle. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately eliminate scratches and chips, in order to avoid negative consequences.

What is a restoration pencil

The restoration pencil is an alternative to other ways to combat scratches on the body of a vehicle, allowing to quickly eliminate scratches and, thus, return the car a presentable look, and also prevent corrosion.

Advantages and disadvantages of restoration pencils

Modern pencils for tints scratches are distinguished not only by efficiency, but and careful attitude towards the intact LCP. Unlike ordinary means, for example, polyterols that take off when applied a certain layer of paint surrounding scratch, the pencil works only in the place of damage and does not affect entire areas. In addition, there are some more advantages with which such a pencil is endowed:

  • An acceptable value that is incomparable with the cost of car service services.
  • Hardized composition resistant to mechanical stress and vibration.
  • Quickly dries under straight sunny rays.
  • Easy to use.
  • Protects the body from corrosion.
  • The similarity of the structure of the paintwork and pencil makes scratching invisible.
  • Working with a pencil is safe for a person due to the lack of toxic substances.
  • Waterproof formula that is not afraid of permanent salt, water and other chemically active substances.

Types of restoration pencils

There are two types of vehicles for vehicles, each of which is applied depending on the severity of damage:

  • Wax pencils. Used to eliminate shallow scratches from the car, taking not only layer of varnish, and paint. The wax pigment fills the scratch, preventing corrosion development. Among the disadvantages of this means, the car owners note rapid flushing (after several miles). The wax will perfectly cope with its work if your car's color is black, white or other standard. But when it is applied to unusual colors (coral, turquoise, salad) or the surface of the body with a metallic effect, the means can be worse to show itself, not completely curing the scratch.
  • Restoration hardware marker. It is used when painting scratches that have reached primer or car metal. It is represented by a tube where there is a car paint and a brush. You can choose the color of the paint in the code of the required shade. This tool is more versatile, since it is suitable for scratches of any depth and size. Unlike waxing, it is not flushed after car wash, because it contains paint. The only complexity in its acquisition is the selection of a shade.

Restoration pencil NEW TON, Skol Pencil - Dignity and Disadvantages in Application

The company manufactures markers for the restoration of the car body, which can be selected by stretching color. The assortment has 50 colors with a metallic effect and 3 white colors. The composition is sold in aluminum tubes of 12 milliliters. The newton pencil includes high-quality acrylic paint, ensuring the durability of the coating. On the pencil lid there is a real paint pattern. Thin brush makes it possible to gently apply paint to the site of any size. Designed for repeated use.

Precautions and Safety Precautions when using restoration pencils

  • Keep the tool in places that are not available for children.
  • If you get a means on the skin, wash it with warm water.
  • If you get into the eyes, rinse the affected mucosa at least fifteen minutes, after which consult a doctor.
  • Restoration of scratches do outdoors or in a well-ventilated room.

How to use the restoration pencil phased

  1. Prepare the surface to paint: Clean, degrease the surface with the help of antysilone, solvent or other means. Remove traces of rust with a converter or emery canvase.
  2. The contents of the bottle before staining are stirring (shake at least 2-3 minutes).
  3. Apply a thin layer of paint to the level of the old coating. Paint must fully fill the scratch.
  4. Polish the painted place no earlier than after seven days after painting. This is how time it is necessary that the paint is completely dried.

Tips Prof.

Most pencils presented in the market have a small volume that is not accidental. It is advisable to maximize the use of a pencil after the first opening, since the remaining tool may simply dry.
