Best brake fluid, choice principle

Probably, it is worth starting with the fact that the brakes are a guarantee of not only your safety, but also the security of your passengers, but also the same participants of the movement, like you.

Brake fluids, the principle of choice

In order for your trip to do not give you trouble, and even at all, did not become fatal, you need to take care of the effectiveness of the braking system.

What makes the efficiency of the brake system: we will understand.

Good brakes are good care for the brake system.

What should I do for this:

• to change brake pads on time;
• Monitor the serviceability of the manual brake:
• timely pumping the brake system at the slightest appearance of brake pedal failures;
• Do not allow leaks in the brake system;
• monitor the level of brake fluid in the main cylinder tank;
• prevent the leaks of the brake fluid in the working cylinders;
• In time change brake fluid;
• Pour the brake fluid of the desired brand and the desired quality.

It seems from all that it shows that it is the brake fluid that can either ensure normal operation of the braking system, or the same fluid can bring a lot of trouble, and even at all - trouble.

Standard DOT: its main parameters.

Main parameters:

1. viscosity;
2. Boiling point.

The brake fluid should not be too viscous, to avoid deterioration (deceleration) of the triggering of the brakes and accurate dosing of the brake force.
There is one more standard: SAE J1703, but it is applied less often.

What brake fluid is better

What is the best liquid? This question is asked by many car owners.

Answer: There is no such fluid.

To understand what fluid is needed for the brake system of your car, you must, first of all, look into the instruction manual.

Not every brand of fluid is suitable for a car, and moreover, the parameters for the selection are many - Russian technical conditions, for example, for this fluid indicate 15 quality parameters.

The manufacturer orients the consumer to the following tests:

• on viscosity. Such a check is carried out in two test modes: at -40 ° C, and at 100 ° C.
• on rust.
• on the interaction of rubber elements of the brake system (mainly hoses and cuffs). Rubber parts should not become a sticky. In addition, the brake cuff cuffs should not swell or shrink.
• Stable condition of fluid at high temperatures.
• Water compatibility.
• Evaporability, etc. - Parameters for testing a lot.

once again about choosing brake fluid

The liquid is tested for the boiling point already mentioned.
The fluids are divided into two categories in the content of moisture in it.


1. "Dry". This is a new liquid.
2. With humidity more than 3.5%. This liquid has been in operation for two years.
Then, you should pay attention to the estimated temperatures in which your car will be in operation. It is these temperatures that should be signed on labels in filling with liquid.

The best landmark is and will be what is indicated in the passport for the car!

We should not forget that the packaging should be "branded", that is, made of high-quality plastic - the left goods in good plastic are not failed.

And, of course, it is worth unscrew the cover on the bottle and make sure that the presence of a foil seal.
DOT-4 and DOT -5.1

Since in case of emergency braking, brake pads, and also discs (drums) are heated to quite high temperatures (up to 1100 ° C), and the liquid, respectively, to 200 ° C, then to maintain the stable characteristics of the brake fluid, need some "margin" of temperature.

Consider two liquids:

• Dot-4. Its boiling point is more than 230 ° C ("dry" liquid). The temperature of the moisturized fluid is already 155 ° C.
• Dot -5.1. Here, the parameters are over 260 ° C, and over 180 ° C, respectively.

Of all the above, it is easy to understand that water in the brake fluid can serve as a bad service.

With sharp emergency brakes, water boils and creates air traffic jams in the system!

Here comes the very moment that all the drivers are so afraid of both newcomers and more experienced: the brake pedal fails, or as they say, "falls".
The "drop" of the pedal does not promise any good, especially on high-speed highways with intense movement.

Periodicity of brake fluid replacement: Most manufacturers recommend.

The fluid must be changed periodically, no matter how much the car is exploited. Anyway, the liquid is a hygroscopic substance, and the moisture will still appear in it, even if the car was simply stored in the garage or on an open parking lot.

All this above speaks only one thing: the fluid is subject to its full replacement (and not just a plot to the level) every two years! Completely independent of the car's mileage!

Mixing brake fluids

So, it will be about the main three standards:

1. Dot-3;
2. Dot-4;
3. Dot -5.1

These fluids are made from very similar components, therefore, they are, in principle, can be mixed.

Nevertheless, it is possible to mix them only in extreme cases when there is simply no other exit.

It is better to replace the entire liquid in the brake system.

The complete replacement of the fluid is not problem, since it contains it in the brake system, as a rule, from 0.5 to 1l. At the modern service station it takes up 10 minutes.

Leakage brake fluid, what is the problem

When the fluid in the system is not enough, it must be addressed. But before doing this, you need to find out the reason for this leak.

As for the mixing of liquids during a tap, then a third-party fluid should be no more than 10% of the total amount filled into the system.

If you saw a stain from the brake fluid under your car, you need to check the entire brake system!

And one more, old as the world, a farewell: before each departure, vigorously click on the brake pedal, making sure that the "hard" pedal.

And after you have left the garage, or another place of storage of the car, make a pair of sharp braking at a small speed of movement.

In conclusion, it is worth saying the following. From what liquid you will board in the brake system, how carefully you will follow the brake system, and how often you will change the liquid - your life, as well as the lives of your passengers and all participants in the movement!

Smooth roads and trouble-free driving!
