Tachometer on auto, tachometer does not work, causes a tachometer breakdown, make repair with your own hands

Everyone knows that the tachometer is included in almost each dashboard in modern vehicles. However, not all drivers know why this device needs exactly. In this article we will tell you what is, in fact, the tachometer, what they are and will analyze the main causes of its technical faults.

Tachometer does not work, causes a tachometer breakdown

Tachometer is called the device that measures and shows in real time the number of rotation of the crankshaft of the power apparatus. It can track the revolutions in the engine, to avoid too low or, on the contrary, the high frequencies of the crankshaft rotation.

In the process of moving a car or other vehicle, the device helps the driver to increase the transmission in a timely manner, based on its testimony. Even the most inexperienced motorist will be able to switch the speed on time when the arrow of this device approaches the red zone or, on the contrary, it drops down to minimum indicators. Also, it is worth saying that with the help of a tachometer, choose the desired mode of operation of the engine.

Tachometers are both digital and analog, they can reset the data obtained, and the accuracy of their testimony is sufficiently conditional and can change.

Digital tachometers have an electronic scoreboard that displays all the necessary information about the frequency of the power units. Such devices are used to configure and adjust the operation of the economizer, electronic ignition, as well as the entire engine is safe.

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Analog tachometer is more popular and used more often than digital. And all because of the amenities in its use. When driving, no particular accuracy is required, the turnover shows the arrow moving along the calibrated dial. If the operation of the sensors is incorrect, the arrow jerges and control the revolutions becomes impossible. The design of this device was created and changed for many years, to use it simply and reliably.

If when you start the engine and when driving a vehicle, the tachometer arrow jumps or points to the zero mark, this means that the device has failed. There may be several reasons for this. However, most often, the cause of the breakage is to replace high-voltage ignition wires. The poor quality of the wiring can also cause a tachometer failure.

Malfunction in the work of the tachometer

When signs of malfunction, to begin with, you should pay attention to the overall state of the posting. Very often, damage to the wires or the lack of contact in them can cause a tachometer breakage. Various small defects, in the form of traces of corrosion, minor cracks or attenuation of fastening easily eliminate, but if damage is serious, you will need to replace the wiring.

No less relevant cause of breakage is the installation of silicone ignition wires instead of regular. This is because the row resistance of silicone wiring is very different from the resistance of factory wires. As a result, the shape of the current pulse changes. If you decrease the rating of the resistor on the CP board, the fault is eliminated by itself.

As for digital tachometers, the popular cause of the device malfunction is often a breakdown of a special digital screen, which shows the current parameters of the car. To resume the work of the device, you will have to change the LED scoreboard.

To eliminate the breakdown of other parts, also should not, it is necessary to identify that the element is broken and replace it with a new one.

Why the tachometer arrow jumps

To find out why the tachometer arrow is twitching. It is necessary to produce the following manipulations:

1. On the dashboard, find the "Check" lamp and check whether it lights up. If not, then, apparently, the diagnosis of the system will not be able to determine the malfunction.

2. Check the wiring, the method of testing the voltage level on the posting plus and minus, as well as check the condition of the connections.

3. If other equipment or devices work incorrectly, it is necessary to verify the mass, because this item is often missing.

4. Check the status of the traver's contacts and the condenser on its lid, since during operation it could be broken.

5. Also, you need to check the chains in the ignition system.

6. If you recently carried out the repair of the device or replace it, then it is simply necessary to configure it. To do this, adjust the position of zero and the device itself, configure the quality of the connection and adjust the toggle on the back of the installation.

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7. If the arrow jumps when the engine reaches high revolutions, then the switch is broken and it must be replaced.

Buy tachometer for car

The digital tachometer looks like a scoreboard with glowing numbers, which show the frequency of motor parts movements.

It is useful if you perform operations on setting the electronic ignition units, setting the saturation state of a combustible material, when the engine is running at full power or when it is necessary to produce gradual overclocking. It is considered the most accurate and most often, choose, in case of need to adjust the idle course or check the other devices similar to it.

As for an analog tachometer, they are represented as an arrow dial. Such a device is considered more modern, popular and convenient, since the dial is easier to be perceived by drivers and allows you to analyze the situation much faster than in the case of numbers. Therefore, when choosing a tachometer, you need to decide what specifications for you is preferable and more important. However, anyway, the presence of this important sensor is very necessary on the road, at least because it will allow you to determine the availability of various problems in the engine of your car.

Installing a new tachometer with your own hands, a phased job

You can install the tachometer on any machine, this procedure is not complicated and does not require access to the workshop. However, the installation process itself depends on which engine is under your hood - diesel or gasoline. I propose to consider the methods of connecting the tachometer in more detail.

Installing a tachometer on a gasoline engine

If your car is equipped with a ignition system, then first you need to mount the device itself. Very often, drivers exploit the remote tachometer.


Directly the instrument mount scheme looks like:

1. Wedding "minus", which often has black insulation we connect to a lot of car.

2. Power wiring, as a rule, looks red and connected to a suitable ignition lock terminal.

3. If the car is a pin, then the wiring that connects to the instrument to the instrument input is connected to the ignition coil terminal connected to the traver breaker. When a contactless scheme is applied in the machine, then the third wire is connected to the switcher.

In case the tachometer is equipped with backlight, it is connected to the dimensions of the machine, using a special ignition lock terminal.

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Installation of a tachometer on a car with a diesel engine

1. When your car is a diesel engine, the instrument measuring wire must be connected to the generator terminal, indicated by the "W" symbol.

2. If you can't find it, you need to disassemble the generator and get to the wiring that connects the winding and rectifier.

3. Next, you need to connect the tachometer wire to one of them and do not forget everything to exhibit.

4. Ultimately, it is necessary to collect the generator back.

As you see, the tachometers are different, on this it is very important, before buying such an appliance, ask the seller if this unit will work correctly on your car.

Surprisingly, but quite recently tachometers were not at all and drivers as they cope. However, modern motorists are accustomed to everyone to make special installations for them. It is rumored that manufacturers of Mazda car brand want to bury such a device as a tachometer and exclude it from the instrument panel.
