Powder painting discs

The unsatisfied condition of the road surface and the presence of a variety of chemical reagents on the roads will not rarely entail the appearance of scratches on the wheels, foci of corrosion, as well as areas with damaged paint and varnish coating. And even though it does not affect the operational qualities of the vehicle, the aesthetic side will not be fully full. Of course, the machine with scratched disks looks not so presentable, especially if we are talking about the dear brand model. About this further in the article.

Powder painting - the most modern and reliable way to restore the disk surface

Currently, the cost of new disks leaves much to be desired, so not every car enthusiast can afford to buy them often. Car owners remain or put up with a non-sustainable appearance of the disks and continue to continue to operate the car, or restore them.

In addition to restoring the appearance of the wheels, there is an opportunity to give a car of some individuality due to a fairly extensive color palette of paints capable of ensuring the originality of the appearance of your car.

To date, two technologies are applied - painting wheel drives with powder paints and painting with acrylic paints. Both of these technologies are distinguished by certain advantages. So, you can paint discs with acrylic paints and on their own in the garage conditions, which is reflected in the cost of work. The disadvantage of this method is a relatively short life of such a coating. As for the powder painting, this method has much more advantages than painting acrylic.

Benefits of powder painting disks

  • Significantly smaller consumption of paint materials, which ensures a decrease in the cost of work.
  • A wide color range of this painting technology contains even rare colors - copper, golden, blue "velvet".
  • The paint layer is less susceptible to atmospheric and abrasive effects and has excellent anti-corrosion properties.
  • The use of this technology allows you to select the structure of the applied layer (antique, shagreen) and the texture of the applied layer (matte, gloss).

Disability powder disks

The disadvantage of powder technology painting discs is except for the impossibility of performing work at home, since for applying paints and polymerization of the applied layer it is necessary to have special equipment.

Powder painting discs, the essence of technology

The essence of this technology is the uniform application of the paint powder layer to the surface of the disk, followed by its heat treatment, because of which the paint melts, forming a homogeneous layer on its surface.

Types of powders for painting disks

There are several types of powders used for painting discs, each of which has certain positive properties:

  • Silicone powders are opposed to high temperatures.
  • Polyester powders - protect the wheel drive from corrosion and "not afraid" of atmospheric influence.
  • Polyurethane powders are resistant to the effects of solvents and perfectly oppose abrasive effects.
  • Epoxy powders are resistant to chemical reagents.

Powder painting discs, technology

Painting wheel drives with powder paints is carried out in several stages.

preparatory work

Preparatory work before applying powder paints includes cleaning discs from a damaged and outdated layer of paint. What way it will be carried out depends on the masters. Small services that are engaged in performing this type of disk painting, often perform the cleaning of the disks in fact manually, applying a drill with nozzles, as well as sandpaper.

More solid services are usually used for cleaning sandblasting machines. It is possible and use for this various chemical compositions. After removing the outdoor layer, the disc surface is treated with iron, chromium or manganese phosphates. Iron phosphate is used on steel stamped discs, other phosphates are used on forged and alloy discs. Phosphate treatment is necessary to increase the grip of paint with the surface. Lastly, the disk is clean and dried.


It is not necessary to primer the disc before applying powder paint, but it is still desirable to do this to increase the adhesion of the applied layer, as well as its anti-corrosion resistance.

application of paint

After priming, if this was performed, switch to applying powder paint to the surface. This procedure is carried out with the help of an electrostatic applicator pistol. No other equipment impossible to apply paint. This applicator gun supplies a static charge powder, after which the powder already charged with compressed air is sprayed over the surface through the nozzle of the pistol.

Finding on the neutrally charged surface of the wheel disc, powder is held on it using the recently received charge. Thanks to this technology, it is possible to form patterns on the surface of the wheel disc or using multiple color types.

Polymerization of disks after color

The next stage of work is polymerization. For this, the wheeler on which the powder is already applied is sent to a special oven. Interestingly, the design of such a furnace does not matter, the main thing is to comply with the proper temperature regime. Therefore, small services can apply even a homemade oven.

In fact, such a furnace is actually not different from the "dryers" used by many services that are engaged in paints and varnishes. The only difference is a control unit with which the temperature parameters are set.

Polymerization is carried out at temperatures of 190-220 degrees for a certain time. Compliance with temporal and temperature modes is necessary. Under conditions of such temperatures, the powder melts and a homogeneous layer is formed on the surface of the disk. After that, the disc is removed from the furnace and cooled.

Tips Prof.

After painting, you can cover the surface of the disk with a special transparent car varnish to give a better view and increase life.
