Procedure for pumping brakes, pump brakes by car VAZ (Classic) independently, useful tips

Blowing the brakes is one of the main procedures after removing or replacing cylinders or brake hoses. This procedure is very important, otherwise the air can get into the hydraulic engine, because of which the wheel on which the hose replacement was performed, simply will not slow down. Each motorist, having basic knowledge and a minimum set of tools can independently perform the brakes. About this further in the article.

Brake system car

The composition of the brake system of VAZ (classic) includes the following components:

  1. Pipelines.
  2. Brake fluid sensor.
  3. Brake cylinders.
  4. Pedal system.
  5. Vacuum amplifier.
  6. Rear and front disc brakes.

The brake pedal and the clutch pedal are located on one axis. The brake pedal has a return mechanism. There is also a switch for signals testifying to the braking process. As for the vacuum amplifier, it is designed to reduce efforts on the brake pedal. This is possible due to the discharge of the inlet pipeline.

Brake master cylinder is attached to the amplifier. It fixed tubes from the two circuits. Engine compartment has a dedicated tank, which contains the brake fluid. By means of special hose it goes to the cylinder. On the cover of the tank is located the brake fluid level. The brake mechanism of the front axle disc and includes cylinders, caliper, brake discs and pads.

braking system control, frequency

The brake system, like any other vehicle systems requires systematic inspection and maintenance. In addition to monitoring the state of the brake discs and pads, you need to systematically remove air bubbles that appear in the brake fluid. To remove air, need pumping system.

Malfunctions of brake systems in motor vehicles

braking procedure can not be sufficiently fast and effective, if the brake fluid leak has occurred. This may occur in the area of \u200b\u200bfinding the brake cylinders. To resolve the problem, remove the damaged parts and place new ones.

Problems with braking can also appear as a result of accumulation of air in the brake system. If you get rid of it, the car will work perfectly. Irregularities in the hose leads to negative consequences, so they need to be timely replacement. Rubber seals located in the brake system, affect the performance of the car, so they also need to change the time.

Another is not a rare malfunction of the brake system is untimely and improper braking. This can occur while the engine is still running, and the braking system begins to slow down. This usually occurs because of the fact that the vacuum amplifier of brakes knocks. If his seal or cover wear, they do not fix the item.

When you see a failure to completely replace the vacuum amplifier. Perhaps over grease. In that case, add the lubricant to the vacuum seal by unscrewing special cap.

The following is a common fault - no stroke of the brake pedal, which is why the wheels of the car are not completely disinhibited. As a rule, no stroke on the brake pedal is caused by an incorrect position of the stoplight. To resolve this error is sufficient to adjust the switch correctly. Watch for a protrusion of the bolt in the vacuum amplifier. It should be approximately 1,25-0,25 mm. However, if the amplifier jammed valves through swelling diaphragms and seals, must be completely replaced.

How to determine that the brakes are faulty

Problems that occur when operating the brake system, as a rule, have such effects:

  • Braking insufficiently effective and rapid.
  • Braking late and wrong.
  • During braking the car blows aside.
  • When the parking brake cable jamming occurs.

Tools, Supplies and Accessories

Pumping the brake should start from the wheel on the distal region of the main brake cylinder:

  • Rear right.
  • Rear left.
  • Front right.
  • Front left.

For pumping the brake system with the assistant need a homemade device from the syringe, plastic containers and hoses. For pumping without an assistant will need an identical cover your brake fluid tank, container and syringe.

Bleed the brakes on the car VAZ assistant steps

  1. Remove the cap covering the bleeder valve, and put on it a hose (preferably transparent). The free end into a receptacle which is to be partly filled with brake fluid.
  2. Mate must press the brake pedal 3-4 times and leave it down. Slightly loosen the bleed nipple to brake fluid began to replace the tank. Determine the presence of the exhaust air can be of bubbles appear in the liquid.
  3. Next, tighten the bleeder valve and repeat the event on the other wheels in the same order. If after pumping the brake pedal is still soft, it is necessary to check the wear pads or again perform bleeding procedure.

bleed the brakes on the car VAZ one person (step by step)

  1. Dial the brake fluid in the syringe, is sealed embed it in the cap with the "sealant" and this screw the device on the brake reservoir.
  2. Unscrew the fitting on the output of the circuit to be pumping. Place a container to collect the leaking brake fluid. Then, using the injection syringe carry brake fluid.

Useful advice

There is another method of pumping the brake system without helper, which will require the presence of a bar or other stop. Folding the brake fluid into the tank so that it is complete, then pump the brake pedal several times and secure it pressed. Next, perform the standard procedure: Open the fitting and wait until the fluid flow becomes uniformly weak. Tighten the bleeder valve. Next release the brake pedal and repeat the procedure. After pumping, draw the brake fluid.
