Engine preheater, how to choose the right preheater

The preheater is called the mechanism that is responsible for the trouble-free launch of the vehicle. A good carrying out of this procedure helps to maintain the integrity of the power unit. Such a device can be bought in special stores, but some drivers are able to build this engine heater on their own.

Engine heater, tasks and functions of this device

The engine preheater is a special device that allows you to warm up the car engine without its startup. In winter, the time of the year, the engine problem occurs most often - as a result of a low ambient temperature, the vehicle may not start. In this case, this heater will come to the rescue.

This device is aimed at maintaining the optimal air temperature under the hood of a vehicle, due to which all systems during the cold season work is careless.

For the first time, it began to be used in Northern Europe and Scandinavia. The system can be connected to an internal and external power source.

Features of the preheater:

  1. Previously heats the power unit.
  2. Facilitates the engine starting procedure in the frost season.
  3. Heats the airspace in the vehicle cabin.


There are a number of main types of car engine preheater:

  1. Liquid heater.
  2. Autonomous air heater.
  3. Electric motor heater.
  4. Thermal battery.

Liquid engine heater, device, advantages and disadvantages

Today, these heaters are the best of the market presented. With it, you can not only start the engine of the vehicle without any problems, but also heat its salon.

The liquid heater is mounted under the hood of the car and are connected to the contour of water heating. In such a device, it is possible to connect a timer, which will start working at a predetermined time. In addition, it can be launched by a radio signal or through the remote control. This device is very economical and works actually silently.

The main components of the liquid heater of the motor are:

  1. Electronic control unit control unit - controller, which tracks overheating, temperature, air supply, fuel, and so on.
  2. Air supercharger, which serves air into the combustion chamber.
  3. Fuel pump with fuel engineering.
  4. "Boiler", which includes a combustion chamber, heat exchanger.
  5. The relay that includes a fan of a regular stove to heat the interior.
  6. Circulation pump that pumps the coolant.
  7. Preheater control body - remote control, timer, GSM module, to start the heater in the telephone mode.


Autonomous Engine Heater, Air Heater

The autonomous air heater is designed to heat huge volumes. Therefore, it is very often used in buses and van. This unit consumes a small amount of fuel, quickly heats the air and works quiet enough.

The autonomous pre-heating device is a small chamber, inside which is located fuel-air mixture, as well as, a capal pin, which is needed to ignite this mixture. The walls of the chamber include a circulating coolant, which, warming up, concentrates in a small circuit of the surrounding system, with the help of which the interior is heated, the motor and thaw the glass.


The autonomous device is localized in the cooling sector or in the car power supply system. It is suitable for gasoline, and for a diesel engine. The source of the energy supply is the fuel tank of the vehicle, and not to power.

Electric engine heater, device, advantages and disadvantages

Electric engine heater is not an autonomous heater. The principle of operation of this mechanism is to install in the cylinder block of the corresponding heating device, which runs from a 220 volt power grid.

This device is suitable for drivers who store their vehicles in garages, that is, where there is an electrical outlet. It works only from the power grid, on this, if you leave your vehicle in the car park, this option is simply not suitable.

In fact, the electrical engine heater resembles a boiler. Both of these devices are very similar to each other. The device that adjusts the temperature of the air under the hood consists of the coils of the heating spiral embedded in the cylinders. At the same time, in the cylinder block there is no contracted chip of the cooling system. In fact, the helix is \u200b\u200binstalled inside, which helps maintain the optimal air temperature in the coolant, which facilitates the operation of the engine.


The electric heating device of the power apparatus is mounted under the hood, while the insulation connectors are displayed on the car bumper and are connected to the power source. The device is additionally equipped with rechargeable recharging, which contributes to its durability, as well as the ventilation sector.

Prices for similar heating systems are high enough, but they still deserve their popularity.

Autonomous engine heater, thermal battery, device, dignity and disadvantages

This device operates with a hot coolant of hot coolant inside itself.

The temperature-duveneous temperature of the autonomous heater can hold about two days. When starting the engine, the hot cooling fluid passes several times in a circle of cooling, thus heating the power unit in a short time.

We draw conclusions

In fact, all the preservation devices have similar principles of operation. Such mechanisms have combustion chambers made of stainless steel, which falls like fuel with a nozzle, and air through the fan. Here is the ignition of this mixture. It comes from a candle or from the pintage of the heating. Tosola heating occurs as a result of an increase in temperature during the combustion of the air-fuel mixture. A pump that is installed in the cooling system shakes the liquid that heats the entire system. Then, the stove fan is connected, with which the vehicle's salon is heated.
