Types of anthers, shrusa boot. Forewly shruster boot. Scrushes inner boot. How to choose an outdoor boot and dust

Sls - this is a hinge of equal angular velocities, in the environment of motorists it is also referred to as "grenade". The name "grenade", he received for the external similarity with manual grenades, the times of the "Great Patriotic War". This hinge is installed on all-wheel drive and front-wheel drive cars. In fact, these classes of classes exist only due to a spruce. It is he who provides the ability to simultaneously be the leading and routing, front axle of the car.

Boot shruss how it is arranged

The shruster boot is made of flexible, dense materials and has a conical, corrugated form.

Anthers attached two clamps.

Shrus boot, purpose

The hinge of equal angular velocities is an extremely capricious unit, it is not subject to repair and in cases of failure, it can only be replaced with a new one. If there is even a small amount of dirt or dust, they mix with lubricant materials. Lubrication turns into a peculiar abrasive. As a result, the Sls begins to "crunch", this problem is solved only by replacing the hinge itself of equal angular velocities.

The price of the new hinge is pretty high, at the same time ignoring the "crunch" of a shrussa is fraught with extremely unpleasant consequences, the hinge elementary can jarny, which leads to a loss of controllability by car and breakage of the gearbox. What again leads to even greater costs.

To prevent dust, dirt and moisture from entering, there is a shruss boot. In essence, this is a protective casing that takes on all external influences. In addition to the protective functions of the shrus, also holds back lubricants directly inside this unit.

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Shrusi Bellow, Product Material

The boot for the hinge of equal angular velocities is made of certain varieties of rubber, silicone and polyurethane. In any case, what material was not made by a boot for a shrus, it must comply with certain requirements:

  • Firmly facilitate the details, eliminating the possibility of gap;
  • Have a high indicator of elasticity and elasticity;
  • Maintain its original shape in regular tensile and compression;
  • Have resistance to the effects of fuel and lubricants;
  • Have increased wear resistance;
  • Have a high frost resistance rate, while maintaining its elasticity and elasticity.


Shrusi boot, how to choose a high-quality boot, selection criteria

When choosing an anther for the hinge of equal angular velocities, first of all, it is worth paying attention to the quality of the product itself and the manufacturer's reputation. Choosing a boot, you need to turn out one of the folds outwards, while the color of the material in the bend place should not change. It also needs any microcracks and other damage. The high-quality boot of the shruss should be elastic and elastic, the increased rigidity rate can negatively affect its operation.

Advice! Choosing a shrus boot, do not use such criteria as the price and material from which it is made.


Outdoor boot, design features, inspection and diagnostics

External or, in other words, the outdoor shrus boot regularly experiences compression and stretching cycles. It is also constantly being subjected to various impact and environmental impact (dust, sand, dirt, moisture). External Sls, always has a cylindrically-rounded form.

The outer boot of the shruss must be regularly inspected. In addition, the inspection should also be made in the event that during the trip, there was a "scraping" sound from the bottom of the car.

In case of inspection, first of all, it should be paid attention to the appearance of the exterior anther. Also, when inspection, the outdoor boot of the shrus, it is necessary to remember. Inspection is made on the subject of the following defects:

  • Many microcracks;
  • Dust breaks;
  • Large selection of lubricants.


Internal boot, inspection and diagnostics

The appearance of the inner shrus anther, first of all, depends directly from the appearance of the inner shrus itself. Depending on its design, the appearance of the anther is also changing. It usually has a complex geometric shape. As a rule, the inner boot in size is somewhat more external. The dust of the inner screw, except for negative action of the environment, is also subjected to constant exposure to high temperatures.

Inspection of the internal and external fluffs of shruses is carried out simultaneously. Defects that are susceptible to anthers are identical.

Tips for care professionals of anthers and the rules of choice

  • The boot of shruses do not require special care. In case of damage, the boot must be changed urgently. The replacement of the anther is worth ten times cheaper than changing the screen itself directly.
  • If an external inspection, did not reveal any obvious damage to the anther - this does not mean that they are missing. When conducting an inspection, the boot of a furus need to be interpreted and pay special attention to the place of bend, if there are many microcracks, the boot can be replaced.
  • Also, when inspection, you can use a very effective way to identify microcracks. To do this, when inspection it is necessary to turn the steering wheel until it stops into any of the sides. Thus, the boot is stretching on the one hand and will be squeezed on the other. Using this method, all microcracks will be visible during the inspection.
  • Experts recommend to inspect the shrus's anthers at least once every month.
  • Choosing a shrus boot it needs to be mounted and untang one of the faces inside out. In the bend places, there should be no microcracks and color changes. All these indicators of poor quality goods.
  • A high-quality boot must be elastic and dense, but in no case tough.
  • When identifying damage to the shrussa anther, it is also necessary to check directly the Sls itself for the object of the backup and other damage. This is necessary for the reason, because it is impossible to determine when the boot was damaged, and could have gotten into the shrusted dirt, dust and moisture.
  • If a "crisp" sound appeared in the shooter, no replacement of the anther will help no longer help. In this case, urgent replacement, both anther and directly the shrus itself, is required.

