Calculate OSAGO how to pay less

Today, the policy of OSAGO is mandatory for every citizen of our country owned vehicle. When making this policy for car owners who have excellent ride quality data, certain discounts are provided. What are these discounts and how to get them - read further in the article.

Cost of CTP, from which the cost of the CTP depends


An important element in the insurance insurance is the CBM coefficient (Bonus-Malyus coefficient) is a special indicator that affects the amount of payments. It is with the help of this coefficient that the amount of insurance payments for the decorated policy can be reduced.

Driver Insurance Class, how it affects the price of insurance

When making insurance, the driver class plays a major role in generating the cost of the service. The cost calculation is carried out on the basis of such data:


  1. The place of residence - in each region there is its own traffic accident statistics, therefore, the coefficient is determined on the basis of statistical analysis.
  2. For each type of transport, its tariff is set - passenger cars, freight vehicles, buses.
  3. For each model and the brand, special rates are developed, given the frequency of their hit in the accident.
  4. For young drivers, higher coefficients are installed, for mature drivers - lower. Also in this category, you can add a driver's experience that does not rarely depends on the age of the car owner.
  5. Driving history - depending on this indicator, insurance services determine the driver's class and calculate the CBM.

Driver class, how to find out the driver's class on CTP


According to the CTP system, there are such classes - "0", "M", "1", "2" and so on to "13". If the driver's insurance history is missing, the "1" coefficient is automatically installed. This means that when calculating the price, all the factors listed above are taken into account, in addition to the fifth. Every year the trouble-free drive will be taking a higher class.


To find out the driver's class, you should familiarize yourself with the data presented on the website of the Russian Union of motorways and on other information resources that give such an opportunity. To check, you must enter such information in the database - the driver's license number, date of birth and name. After entering information, all data relating to the insurance history of a certain driver will be available. Thus, it is possible to obtain the information you want regardless of the company providing services or the date of registration of insurance.


This system is useful and drivers, and insurance companies. Motorists can get relevant data even during reissuing insurance, and with a new design of the CTP, the data remained from previous insurance. As for insurers, they can check the data on the driver even in case of changing the company and the conclusion of new insurance, which prevents possible fraud when the car owner decreases the class and to increase it, a new documentation is preparing.


The general database of drivers is available in all insurance firms engaged in the issuance of OSAGO policies. The database is completed, they also do.

KBM, what is the coefficient and as a driver to know his KBM, how to use the table to determine the KBM

The driver has data on its own class. However, the class itself is no more than the alphabetic designation of the CBM coefficient. This indicator is the only method of reducing the amount of insurance payments. All data considered in this article on the class classes for the most part and to KBM.


Previously, CBM was used only for a particular vehicle, so when the car sells an extra cost or a discount on insurance disappeared. In this case, the driver had to earn new points to get a discount. In 2008, the system has changed, and since 2016, CBM began to assign not a car, but the driver himself. This means that regardless of the insurer or the car, the KBM remains at the driver a single indicator.


To check the CBM of the RCA motorist, the steps described above should be made, then begin to calculate their own insurance rate on the OSAGO. To find out the data on the CBM on the following table below, you need to know only your own class, as well as the number of insurance payments for the year.


When using the table, you should be guided by such provisions:

  1. When typing primary insurance, the driver is assigned the third class.
  2. The number of insured cases is determined by the driver's fault for the year of insurance. If the insurance claims did not occur, the driver receives an increased class for the next year. If there is one insurance indemnity, the next year the car owner will receive "1" class, in the case of two compensations - "M" class and so on.
  3. In the absence of insurance compensation and an increase in the class from the third (initial) to the fourth, the CBM coefficient will be 0.95.

OSAGO 2017 policy, which is waiting for the driver


The main change in the policy of the OSAGO - since first of January 2017, insurance companies that operate in the OSAGO market will be required to sell electronic policies. At the same time, the requirement to "ensure the continuity and smoothness of the functioning of their sites" have been added to the insurance companies, and when technical problems appear, the Insurer must immediately report it to the Central Bank.

Council Profi: as a disciplined driver can accumulate by 50% discount


Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that the Insurance of the OSAO provides a fairly flexible cumulative system for the driver, which, with good insurance history, is able to reach 50 percent. This means that when receiving the maximum class, the car owner can replenish insurance two times cheaper than its standard cost.
