Generator belt, how to pull the generator belt

Most motorists know that a properly strained generator belt has a positive effect on the operation of the water pump, the battery, the generator itself and its bearings. And this is not at all unavailable characteristics, as some drivers think. If this item is tensioned badly, the efficiency of the generating automotive device is significantly reduced, since it cannot produce the charging current of the necessary force.

From this article, you will learn how to check the belt state, adjust and replace this item on your own.

Belt stretch how to check the tension with your own hands

To independently check the status of the generator belt do not need special skills or equipment. However, it should be remembered that if the belt is tensioned weakly, then as a result of intensive wear, it is capable of breaking. If it is pulled too tight, it may well be the cause of the bearing breakage of the generating device. It is for this that it is very important that the generator belt is stretched correctly, in accordance with the recommendations of its manufacturer. To control such an indicator, it is necessary to arm a ruler and a narrow metal strip of about fifty centimeters.

Plants of the domestic automotive industry assume that the belt is deflection that transmits a torque from the crankshaft on the pulley of the generator, should be 15 millimeters with an existing effort on it, 10 kg \\ cm.

To determine the degree of tension of the generator belt, you should lay a narrow metal strip from above the pulley of the generator and the crankshaft. After that, it is necessary to act on top to the belt center with the optimal force and measure its deflection by the ruler. If you have discovered some discrepancies with an indicator that is installed in regulatory requirements, depending on the situation, you need to proceed to the subsequent stage, that is, to adjust or replacing this item.


In addition, when checking the generator belt, the car should not be equipped. Working with the generator tension belt is easier and more conveniently directly under the vehicle. Therefore, it is necessary to raise with the help of a jack in front of the car and remove the protection of the motor crankcase.

Tools assistants in work

As you also understood, the improper tension of the generator belt does not lead to anything good, therefore, when detecting deviations from the norm, it is necessary to fix it. To adjust the generator belt, which transmits the torque generator from pulley, you must use the following tools:

1. Rinel.

2. Mount.

3. Wrench by 13 millimeters.

4. Spanner on 17 millimeters.

Adjusting the belt tension with their own hands, work step by step, detail

1. To eliminate this problem, it is necessary to weaken on the tension bar of the generator fastening nut.

2. After that, you should weaken the lower bolt to which the generating device is attached to the motor bracket.

3. Now it is required to push the generator from the motor, using a mount for this, and fix it in this position, tightening on the tension bar of the nut.

4. Then it is necessary to re-check the tension of the generator belt.

5. If the indicator converges with the optimal value, the nuts should be finally tightened on the lower and upper mounting of the generating device on the motor.

6. If the generator belt tension is not properly adjusted, you should not be upset - do all operations re-on.


Replacing the generator belt, work step by step, in detail

Replacing the generator belt is a rather simple procedure that even a newcomer driver can fully calmly. The belt of the generating device must be replaced only if you are accurately confident that it is impossible to use it.

The first and most important feature that the generator belt came into disrepair is a specific whistle that appears during the load on the electrician of the vehicle, for example, when the headlights are turned on. If you started the engine and, if you wish to set gas, hear a whistle from under the hood is a clear sign that we have weakened the generator belt.

However, there is nothing catastrophic in the generator belt whistle. This is quite unpleasant and indicates that in the near future it is necessary to prepare for its replacement. When the belt is weakened, the generator begins to work worse and gives out of charge. Much worse when the generator is constantly noise and with a load, and without it.

In addition, the problems with the generator will inform the indicator signal on the instrument panel.

The belt of the generating device is under the hood on the left side of the motor. Immediately before replacement, it is necessary to drown out the motor, pull the ignition key and disconnect the negative wire from the battery. Now it is necessary to see if there is no signs of wear on it, in particular cracks, breaks, extensions, and so on. If the replacement is still needed, you should buy an identical generator belt on the car market.

That the belt would be easier to remove, it is necessary to weaken the tension. Depending on the vehicle model, the tension mechanism can be represented as a semicircle or stretch bolt. Even before the generator's old belt is removed, it is necessary to study its location and sequence of clutch. The new belt must be installed in exactly the same sequence. What would not forget anything, you can draw a diagram or write on paper.


If the tension on the car is adjusted using a bolt, pick up the key suitable in size and turn to any side. No need to remove the bolt completely, it is necessary to simply weaken that it would be possible to freely remove the generator belt.

Now you need to make sure that the old and new belts are the same. When installing, it is necessary to pay special attention to the stretch, since it is precisely from the correct tension of the generator belt depends on its operation. To check the operation of the new item, the wire should be connected to the battery, start the motor and turn on the electrician to turn a little, turn on the headlights, heating, distant light and so on. If you hear a whistle, it will be a signal that the belt is stretched with insufficient power.

Replacing the generator belt tensioner roller, work in detail

The stable operation of the generator as a source of energy is possible only under the condition of proper and sufficient belt tension. There are a lot of domestic and foreign production cars, especially new models, have a special mechanism - a roller of the generator belt, which is intended to adjust the degree of tension of the belt transmission.

You can meet several varieties of this device. The simplest roller with a shifted center. During the rotation of the eccentric, the belt tension is performed, which is fixed with the help of a bolt.

The roller of the tension of the generator belt has a pretty simple device. Its main item is the bearing. The diagnostics of the bearing status must be carried out with each belt replacement.

A good roller during rotation of the hand should be spinning quietly, without a backlash, jerks and snacks. If the roller resource has been exhausted, it is necessary to replace it. It is easy to make it, having a minimum set of tools.


To replace the tension roller, such a series of actions should be performed:

1. Employed with mounting or other tool crankshaft, inserting the mount to the clutch disk.

2. Weaken the bolt fastening the bracket or tensioner roller, removing the voltage from the belt.

3. Unscrew the entire axial bolt and remove the roller.

4. Install a new roller and adjust the degree of belt tension (how to do it, described above).

Replacing the roller of the tension of the generator belt always ends with its re-inspection and performance test.

Tips for experienced motorists

Now you know how to fix the problems with the generator's belt and personally check the correctness of its tension. Thus, you will safely save on such procedures, because in specialized car services they take a lot for such services.
