Steering rack, knock in the steering rack and how to eliminate knocking knuckles

Drivers with experience know that sometimes, when turning the steering wheel, a knock can be heard. To understand what kind of knock, you need to deal with the steering wheel.

Steering rack, steering wheel - part of the car

The steering wheel is part of the car, the rotation of the steering wheel makes moving the front wheels and hold the wheels in moving.


The most popular steering mechanism was the distribution mechanism. Popularity The Rack Steering Mechanism received due to high accuracy and a small number of moving parts.

Naturally, everything that moves is faster and demands repair. The rail wheel mechanism of the car has two components, rack and gear.

Such a simple mechanism is able to provide long work and is able to drive more than 100,000 kilometers without breakdowns.

But such a long mileage without breakdowns is possible only if the roll steering mechanism is installed without disorders.

But all the same, the time and repair of the rush mechanism comes.

There are several problems and many of them can be solved by our own, having the necessary tools.

But immediately make a reservation, not all problems can be solved by yourself, only professionals can solve some problems.

The most common breakdown of the rack mechanism, according to statistics, is a knock of a toothed rail.

To determine the reasons for the knock, we'll figure it out in the steering rail device.

Steering rack, design features and principle

In principle, the design of the rush mechanism is very simple. The mechanism consists of a gearbox or steering rack that are able to control the movement of the wheels and perform the task, moving the vehicle in the desired direction.

Such work performed the drive gear, which is directly related to the steering wheel.

The driver rotates the steering wheel and the rail makes the movement in accordance with the predetermined direction, left or right.

Rake leads to the desired movement of the steering drive.

Depending on the movement of thrust, the wheels are rotated in the right direction.

The simplicity of the rush steering wheel is capable of ensuring reliable operation, but still this device has certain disadvantages:

-The cloth road coating can damage the roll steering device, as it is quite sensitive to shock loads;

-chechen steering is capable of vibration, i.e. has a tendency to vibroactivity;

- Delicious steering, when driving, especially in bad roads, has an increased load;

-The care of the rush steering device has a greater complexity of the installation.

Steering rack how to determine its condition

To determine the state of the steering rack, the car must be driven to the observation pit.

After that, you need to turn off the engine.

By turning alternately, the steering wheel in one, then on the other side, the driver can hear and visually make an assessment of the position of all the fixtures of the mechanism. And also, the turning of the steering wheel will allow you to establish the presence of gaps in the hinges of the steering tag.

Washing the steering wheel, the driver is able to determine the knock and the steering rack.

To clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to disconnect the transverse thrust and rotary levers.

If after disconnecting the knock continues - the node must be replaced or repairing.

By making such a diagnosis, the driver must decide:

- can he make repair with his own hands;

-Rili need to repair the part of the professional;

-Rili the robbing device requires a complete replacement of the node.

Of course, to reduce the cost of repair, the item can be tried to make it yourself, or order a repair from the master.

But the complete replacement of the gearbox is able to extend the work much longer.

Professionals note that even some new cars, regardless of the manufacturer's company, a knock may appear even when they just got off the conveyor.

Steering Rake, why a knock arises

The knob of the steering wheel rack is possible for various reasons:

-Articles assembling the car, made a bad tightening of the steering wheel fixing connections. The problem is solved simply - it is necessary to tighten all bolts and nuts of the connections;

- Differees of wear of the support sleeve left or right side of the rail, as the bushings are plastic. The car, moving along an uneven road, is able to create a backlash in the steering mechanism and this causes noise in the steering column;

-Luft can be created not only due to a ride on an uneven road, but also due to corrosion of the sleeve - in this case, it is necessary to replace parts;

- Perhaps damage or partial wear of rubber protective covers. Because of this, dust and dirt can be hit in the rush mechanism. Dust and dirt are capable of raking rack quickly and sliding supports;

-Ard sleeve may betented due to the fact that the rake is made of soft material. Riding in bad roads can rather quickly deal with the rail. Professionals are advised if the rack has come to quickly in order not to replace the same original part, and to sharpen a new from Kaprolon.

Steering rack how to repair do it yourself

Before repaired reducer with your own hands, you need to purchase a new repair kit, consisting of sleeves, glades and seals.

Work is carried out in the following order:

-Product the dismantling of the gearbox together with the traction so that in the future it is properly to put anthers;

-Production disassembly reducer;

"We care all the details and arches from dirt;

- should be replaced by spoiled parts;

- Check the shaft.

In most different car brands, the process of removing and replacing the steering rack is similar.

There is a small difference in dismantling.

Therefore, before dismantling, it is necessary to find out what type of mechanism is available on a particular car.

The mechanism can be with an electric cylinder, a hydraulic cell or in the form of a simple rush mechanism.

In a simple rush mechanism, initially free the fastenings of steering tips, then it is necessary to loosen the bolted fastenings, and then dismantle the cardan engagement.

If the mechanism of the steering rack with the hydraulicel, before dismantling, it is necessary to release high pressure tubes and drain the working fluid into the clean container.

It will not work independently to remove the gearbox with a hydraulicer, since before dismantling the gearbox it is necessary to remove the car's subframe - this work cannot be done.

Steering Rake, tips for long work steering rack

To the steering rack served a long time:

-And the car smoothly;

-bearing emergency braking;

- moving rapid acceleration before the obstacle;

- Parking, avoid the wheel knock on the border;

-Repitize the timely maintenance of the entire mechanism;

- for the health of the protective covers;

- check the fasteners;

- If a knock appeared - to diagnose the steering mechanism and identify the problem.
