Silent blocks of the front suspension VAZ, the silent blocks of the front beam, how to change the front silent blocks

The suspension is such a part of the vehicle, which is necessary to repair most often. This occurs as a result of the fact that the chassis is subject to considerable loads, and its elements - increased wear. One of the most basic hubs of the suspension, without which the vehicle is not able to exist, is a silent block.

Silent blocks what it is and how it is arranged

Silentblock (another name - a rubberometallic hinge) is called an element of a vehicle, the main task of which is to reduce the noise of the suspension.

Silentblock is represented as a hinge having metal sleeves on both sides, around which rubber inserts are located.

Silent blocks are produced from a variety of materials, but polyurethane is considered the most durable. At least these details are completely tiny, they are able to take on all blows and vibrations when driving, thereby protecting other elements of the movement of the vehicle.


Silent blocks for what they need

This part is an intermediary between the rigid body design and the pendant component (lever, shock absorber, reactive traction, transverse stability stabilizer, spring, subframe, and so on).

If you screw the metallic element of the suspension to the metal element of the body, the connection will be excessively tough, each pendant fluctuation will be heard, which will significantly reduce the level of vehicle's comfort.

SilentBlock is faulty, signs of malfunction

It is worn to understand that the silent block is worn out by deviations in the behavior of the vehicle. If the car has become more difficult in control, and the reaction to the rotation of the walnut steering column and with the delay, then most likely, these are signs of worn sielent block. To accurately determine what the problem is in the silent block, it is necessary to visit the nearest car service or independently inspect Rubberometallic hinges.


To visually inspect the silent block, you should call on the observation pit, clean it from dirt and carefully examine.

Signs of wear of rubberometallic hinges are breaking and cracks in the rubber part. When viewed, it is desirable to represent what a new rubberometallic hinge looks like.

An indirect symptom of silent block malfunction can be a collaboration curve, however, if it is known that he used to be correct. If silent blocks are torn, the levers are a little crooked.

In addition, check the backlash in silent blocks. If its value is more permissible, it is necessary to replace them urgently.


Another unpleasant sign of wear of rubberometallic hinges is the lateral uneven wear of the tires.

Tools and devices for work

  1. Torch and precipitant keys on 24, 19, 17.
  2. Chisel.
  3. Hammer.
  4. Vice.
  5. Special device for pressing silent blocks.

Expendable Materials for Replacement Salentblocks

  1. Liquid soap.
  2. New silent blocks.

Replacement of Silent Blocks of the Front Pendant, Step-by-step instructions

  1. First of all, the vehicle should be driven to the observation pit.
  2. Next, we remove the protection of the engine compartment if it is.
  3. Then unscrew the nuts fastening the front levers.
  4. After that, we unscrew the fastening nut of the front stabilizer to the lever.
  5. Now you choose a bolt with a turnup of a suitable diameter and let go of the wheel bolts, after which the robbery and remove the wheel.
  6. Then unscrew the nuts of the stretch marks, while cleaning the thread with a metal brush and smoem it with VD-40. Next, we take a ball support from the swivel fist, unscrewing two bolts. Now you can remove the lever.
  7. However, often unscrew this stretching nut is very difficult. In this case, you can remove the lever with the crab and stretching. To do this, it's enough from the crab to dissolve a little stretching nut and unscrew the bolts of the nut to the body. Now remove everything together and in a more convenient position we try to unscrew the stubborn nut. In extreme cases, it can be heated and cut out or unscrewed with a chisel.
  8. When the lever is removed, start changing the silent strokes. To do this, with the help of a chisel, we dismantle old rubberometallic hinges, we clean the eye from rust and take turns to press new silent blocks into the lever. Usually, the silent block does not fit completely, so the lever should be positioned on a solid and smooth surface, after which they annoy silent by a sledgehammer or hammer.
  9. Then change the silent block of the front lever. But, first you need to dismantle the old one. If the ripberometallic hinge is completely broken, it is enough to pull the metal sleeve and with a screwdriver to withdraw from the eye of the rubber part of the Silent. Before installing, a new silent block should be lubricated with a gel for washing dishes, liquid soap or soapy water. After that, we will prescribe it. Do not rush to tighten the bolt, correct the edge of the silent block, if it is converted.
  10. It is worth noting that after installing the lever, the nuts on the silent blocks must be tightened only when the vehicle is installed on the wheels.

Tips of professionals

If silent blocks are very worn, the vehicle may throw from side to side. It is not necessary to ignore this problem, as silent blocks have failed to destroy the landing places of the hinges, therefore, it will have to replace the entire element as a whole, which is more expensive and time consuming.


  1. Alexander says:

    12 years did not change the transverse levers, but they are not knocking, although the sleeves are supposed and the collapse is not done if they are not changed if there is no knocking turn?

    • Sergey says:

      Hello! If the collapse is not done because of the sleeves, and it is needed, it means you need to change.