
Got a battery, capect the battery correctly

Descessable rechargeable battery possible deliver mass trouble car owner. Causes, on which battery loses mine charge, maybe to be diverse, from fault v electrics car before breakdown banal alarm.

Why discharged battery

Rechargeable battery maybe discharge from elementary not disabled sveta, so and on more serious reasons:

  • Cause1 car alarm
    Individual views car alarm, to example « satellite», able fully discharge even most best automotive battery v flow 15 days. Not right installed signaling also maybe become cause permanent discharge battery.
  • Cause2 generator
    Perhaps, basic and samoa more often meeting cause discharge battery battery., is an faulty generator. Moreover this problem maybe arise on top novom car.
  • Cause3 circuit
    Fault v electrics car, also sometimes becomes cause discharge battery. This problem arises enough rarely and possible deliver mass trouble car owner, so how computer diagnostics v dann case absolutely powerless and problem have to search on one's own.
  • Cause4 acoustics
    Modern acoustic systems able absorb colossal number electricity from electrics car. V some cases automotive generator elementary not able to issue necessary number electricity and acoustic system begins absorb her directly from battery, not giving his restore charge.
  • Cause5 battery
    Highly often cause discharge battery becomes directly myself battery. Rechargeable battery, installed v automobile not eternal and working out mine resource, requires replace. V Russia majority batteries relate to type « unattended», at generation his resource their necessary change. « serviced» same can reanimate, replacing v them electrolyte.

is dead battery, how this is verify

Most simple and reliable way checks charge battery battery. held with usage « multimeter». The device can acquire v any from shops, where present electronic goods, his price not exceed 1 thousand. rubles.

For measurements charge battery., « multimeter» necessary put on measure constant tok.. At inspection charge battery on not the got car, testimony « multimeter» should to be not less 12,5 Volt. testimony charge v 12 V and below  they say inability to make automobile on this battery..

Important! Charge fully serviceable, good battery make up 13 Volt.

On the got car good charge battery accepted think 13,514 Volt. At measurement charge, necessary disable all electronicconsumers (headlightsclimatecontrol, air conditioning, music).

a light battery from neighbor

V volume case if rechargeable battery exhausted her can replace or same a light automobile, for example from neighbor, what enough often and practiced, after all far not w. all available additional battery.

Detail we will understand, how right get a light battery battery:

how right put cars for booster

before how enter directly to booster, cars necessary right put. Automobile, from whom will take place booster, necessary put on maximally close distance to get a light car, but body cars n. v no case not must, contact friend with other. Cars must to be exhibited so to their batteries were how can closer.


how right connect wires to batteries, move work detail

For booster car need isolated wires with big section and « crocodiles» on ends. Better total for of this fits isolated, flexible copper the wire with section not less 16 square millimeters, but better it safe and take more. « crocodiles» must have greasy surface contact.

exposed cars right, and owning a special wires with « crocodiles», can proceed directly to process booster:

  1. Automobile, from whom will carried booster necessary kill;
    Open hoods both cars;
  2. shoot minus terminal with battery. on car, which the will get a light (v otherwise case great probability, discharge and second battery);
  3. Now can unite wire good quality plus terminals both battery battery;
  4. Second the wire we connect one ends to negative hallmark car, from whom produced booster, a second the end we catch to housing engine or block cylinders on get a light car;
  5. hooking all wires, can wind get a light automobile. having got, his necessary warm up not less how before 40 degrees or to he stable have worked on unmarried revs. V secondary warming car it takes from 5 before 15 minutes.



booster passed successfully, disconnect wires, work detail

warming-up, get a light automobile before stable revolutions can proceed to disconnection wiring.

Important! detaching wiring for booster occurs on the got car.

detaching wiring for booster follow produce v next sequences:

  1. initially necessary hook it up minus terminal on get a light car on a place;
  2. After of this disconnect positive the wire from both batteries;
  3. Now left disconnect negative the wire and process booster can think consummated.

Booster battery, important moments on security

  • Booster not follow conduct with help wiring, section which less 16 square. millimeters;
  • connection and disconnection wiring follow produce sequence, to to avoid short circuit;
  • Wires necessary stack so to their not hello (pavalo) moving parts engine;
  • Engine car, from whom occurs booster, should to be necessarily plued;
  • Front start process booster, better pull out key, and open doors. V case if process booster will go not right, great probability togo what works and blocks doors signaling;
  • On-board voltage both cars must to be identically. Front cigarette from freight car follow to find out his on-board voltage, w. them it it happens 24 Volta.

How a light auto from other battery if no connecting wires, engine carburetor

V case with carburetor engines process booster can without special problems produce and without special wiring for booster.

To see the car with a carburetor engine, you need to act in the following sequence:

  1. NSleave and to plug v automobile, charged battery battery;
  2. Taissure automobile;
  3. At working engine, unhook and take off charged battery;
  4. Now left only, put on a place and to plug sex battery.

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Attention! The way available only on cars with carburetor engine. V circles car owners his also name « murderer injectors». So how he causes failures v electronics car and able to display her from building.

Technique security at work with batteries and contacts wiring

  • Charged battery should to be fully form and not have external damage, which maybe influence on his work (cracks, techi.);
  • Connect wires follow extremely carefully and attentively. Not right pouch the wire cause a short circuit;
  • For booster car necessary use wires with section not less 16 square. millimeters and fully good insulation. V otherwise case this is maybe call a short circuit and fire;
  • Contacts wiring n. v no case not must contact friend with other.


Process booster battery battery., under strength absolutely to each car owner. Booster car follow conduct with special caution and to be extremely attentive, so how wrong actions able damage not only electronics car, a also nan significant harm human which the directly produces this process.
