The crankshaft gland flows, how to change the crankshaft gland do it yourself

In the process of the vehicle's work, many of its parts should constantly obtain lubricant, as a result of which friction between moving elements is significantly reduced. But what to do in the case when some parts are repeated? The crankshaft is just such a part of the car. For lubrication of elements from the outside, a special gland was created, which is designed to ensure the sealing of the crankshaft outlet. However, there are situations in which the gland allows oil leakage as a result of its malfunction. About this further in the article.

Gland, from what it is made and how it works


This item is made of special rubber having increased wear resistance. In appearance, the seal resembles a sealing ring. Its material can withstand the effect of high temperatures, which makes it possible to work with a hot and rotating crankshaft. It is worth noting that on the surface of the gland there is a special mark on which you should navigate for installation. Depending on the design of the vehicle, the glands are located in various places. In the process of working with the crankshaft, they perform one single option - protection against leakage of motor oil.


Flowing gland, consequences of operation

This small item is playing a large role in the work of the vehicle. With some small malfunction, the oil will flow out of the power unit, which entails serious problems. In the worst case, everything can end with overhaul of the motor. Once you notice traces of oil leakage, you should immediately take appropriate measures to remove this problem. If the lubricant is penetrated into the clutch box, the disc can be contaminated. It will all lead to the occurrence of slipping.


Lubrication and oil quality, as affected on the performance of the gland

The improper oil change is strongly affected by the performance of the oil. In the old lubricant, many contaminants that accumulate on the inner surfaces of the gland. In addition, these dirt particles can damage the rubbing elements.


How the engine overheating affects the operation of the gland

Strong overheating of the motor can adversely affect the gland with a crankshaft. Although it has the established level of heat resistance, too high temperatures become destructive. As a result, the element begins to melt. The most common consequence of overheating is the wear of the gland.


As special chemical additives affect the operation of the gland

Some specialists are not advised to rinse the power unit with the help of special chemical additives. Such substances can cause harm to oil, which will gradually entail the loss of its basic properties.

How detergents affect the glands


It is not recommended to externally affect the engine using chemical detergents. Poor ventilation of the motor crankcase also negatively affects the performance of the gland, as well as on its wear.

How often do you need to change the glands


Specialists recommend replacing the gland every three years or 150 thousand car runs. However, it is impossible to read the data of the numbers exact, since all this depends on the conditions in which the vehicle is operated.

Choosing a workplace


If the rear seal of the crankshaft has failed, it is necessary to repair sequentially. It is advisable to do all this on the observation pit or in the garage.

Tools, fixtures, consumables

  1. Pliers.
  2. Screwdriwer set.
  3. Set of wrenches.


Replacing the rear seal of the crankshaft, step-by-step instruction

  1. If leaks appeared through the rear seal of the crankshaft, the pit is necessary for inspection, as it takes a disassembly of the drive parts or the cardan shaft on the transport with rear-wheel drive.
  2. Sometimes the rear seal of the crankshaft is eliminated by placing the vehicle on backups or jacks - it is not recommended to do it categorically, because it is unsafe.
  3. You will also have to remove the weighty gearbox. Then remove the clutch disc and flywheel with a casing.


  4. When unscrewed the mount, fix the flywheel from scrolling with a screwdriver.
  5. Then removed the lid and rear gland.
  6. The new crankshaft gland, lubricated with sealant, is pressed with the help of mandrel. Instead, it is possible to use a tube cut, the tool on one or two millimeters less than the circumference of the gasket. The head is perfect for "27" or old gland.
  7. Now lubricate the edge of the seal and install the lid.
  8. The cauliflower with a lid carefully put on a lubricated crankshaft and attract bolts.
  9. We collect all the details in the reverse order - flywheel, clutch, gearbox, drive.

Crankshaft bearing, do not forget to see in what condition it is


Immediately after removing the gland, perform an inspection of the crankshaft bearing. If the bearing moves with an unpleasant embossed or minor problems, it is desirable to replace it. Pay attention to the clutch plug, it should not be visible defects or cracks.

Property Tips: the quality of the gland, what to pay attention to when choosing a gland


Incorrect installation will immediately give yourself to know. There will be a leakage of either a small subclass, notice which is very easy during the primary inspection of the gland. Poor-quality spare elements also play a role in the work of this spare part. All this arises as a result of fakes and saving the car owner when buying a gland.
