Selection of summer rubber for car, best options

The article tells about what tires are better to choose for a summer ride.

Currently, the market is simply littered with various models of summer tires. The surprise of the market can cause difficulties in choosing not only from beginner motorists, but also from experienced drivers.

Responsible attitude to the selection of summer rubber

However, the selection of summer rubber needs to be approached very responsibly, since not only the safety of the car, but also the lives of the driver and all of its passengers may depend on the correctness of the decision.

Tips for choosing summer rubber from specialists

But how to choose what you need, with such a rich assortment?

all-season tires for the car

The most optimal option can be all-season tires.

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They are notable for their versatility, that is, they do not need to be changed when changing the season.

This type of tire is extremely high density, as they are designed in such a way as to withstand various weather conditions, while withsting large mileage.

All-season tires

And indeed, universal tires without problems can overcome the distance of a hundred thousand kilometers.

Also they are notable for their resistance to dynamic loads.

Particularly universal tires fell in love with travelers.

And this is quite justified, because even with a strong overheating, they never burst, allowing long to tow, for example, a house on wheels.

Types of universal automotive tires

Universal tires are divided into two main categories, by availability, or absence of the camera.

Today, you can familiarize yourself with the full list of market proposals using the Internet, where you can find tires for both trucks and passenger vehicles.

chamber tires for the car

Of course, we can say that the chamber tires go back into the past, but there is a special layer of enough experienced drivers who still give preference to them.

Distinctive features of chamber and tubeless tires. Cherkessk, Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia

This is explained by the fact that when they exit their building, such a tire will publish a characteristic cotton, which will notify the driver that she burst.

The second advantage can be called the fact that the chamber tires are not subjected to cruel.

Tires on a car

However, there are one serious drawback from chamber tires - at high speed, when punctured the camera, there is a loud cotton, the car can lead to the side, which is usually fraught with the consequences, including tragic.

cameless Tires for Car

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It is because of the explosion hazard that all novice drivers are encouraged to install exceptionally tubeless tires, since when you fail, they allow the car to stay on your lane, which helps to avoid sad consequences.

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Although this does not exclude some difficulties when driving with a damaged tire, the car will be slightly led from side to side, but the advantage of security is still obvious.
