Replacing coolant, toosol or antifreeze, which is better, useful tips

Even if you are weakly aware in the principle of operation of systems and vehicle mechanisms, it is not difficult to guess that the working mixture is constantly ignited in the internal combustion engine. Whatever metal is durable, he would simply melt without cooling. That is why, for optimal engine operation, a high-quality and efficient cooling system is vital.

Antifreeze what it is

This concept went from the English "Freeze", that is, to freeze, and from the Greek denial of the "anti" console. Based on the name, antifreeze is water-based liquid, which should not be freezing. After failed experiments with ethanol, the yield was still found.

Ethylene glycol turned out to be a saving substance. It was frozen only at a temperature of 12 degrees Celsius, however, in a 70 percent solution with water, its freezing temperature decreased to - 70 degrees Celsius. At the same time, it did not expand, did not crystallized, like water, and formed a pasty mass, which is completely safe for the motor. It was the first, but the most real victory of the human mind over the coolant, but new problems appeared very soon.


types of antifreeze

Today, antifreezes can be divided into the deeds (class G 12 ++ and G 13), organic (class G 12) and mineral (class G 11) - they differ in the prefixes used and the basis.

Tosol can be attributed to mineral antifreeze. The service life is about two years of operation or 50 thousand mileage kilometers.

Organic antifreezes can be used 250 thousand kilometers of run or up to five years of operation.

As for the deed antifreezes, they are compatible with other cooling fluids for transport and they can well be addressed to new engines.


What is the distinguished toosol from antifreeze

First, antifreeze call coolant for motors cooling systems.

And secondly, Tosol is also antifreeze, but domestic production. In fact, it is not better or worse than other cooling fluids.

In fact, the phrase "Tosol" is the abbreviation of the center of the Center - "The Technology of Organic Synthesis" the Research Institute of Organic Technology and Chemistry (abbreviated Tos), where in 1971 it was developed. The end of "OL" indicates his belonging to the group of alcohols.

At that time, nobody thought to patent the name "Tosol" and today it applies a lot of domestic antifreeze manufacturers. However, now no manufacturer does not produce Toslas for the recipe of this Soviet Tosla.


But this does not mean that you will acquire low-quality antifreeze. The fact is that marketing objectives use the name distributed in the Wednesday. Therefore, as a rule, under the brand "Tosol" you can buy a high-quality tool for the engine cooling system. Here the main thing is to stop your choice on a proven manufacturer.

Tosol is used more on domestic cars. The basis of antifreeze and antiform is one - ethylene glycol, but the density is different. Therefore, in order to measure the density of antifreeze to use one-meter, and antifreeze is different.

Distinguish antifreeze and Tosols for specific parameters:

  1. Frozening temperature.
  2. Boiling temperature.
  3. Lubricating properties.
  4. Anticorrosion properties.

Release coolant in a variety of colors - red, yellow, blue, green. This is achieved through the use of dyes.


What is better toosol or antifreeze

It is necessary to decide what is better to use (antifreeze or toosol) is necessary on the basis of the features of the cooling system of the vehicle. Because in various cars, it consists of a variety of materials - one brands in the cooling system use mostly more brass and copper, while others are more aluminum and its diverse alloys.


  1. Tosol in a variety of cases is suitable if you have a domestic car (this applies to old cast-iron motors).
  2. Green antifreeze is perfectly suitable if there are more aluminum alloys in the heat exchanger (silver radiator).
  3. Red antifreeze suitable when your car radiator is most consisting of brass and copper (yellow radiator).

For each vehicle, there are recommendations of the manufacturer. Therefore, Tosol or antifreeze will be most correctly used, whose mark indicated the manufacturer in the maintenance and operation of the vehicle.

How to define antifreeze or antifreeze

Determine which consumables are not covered only by one color. Just as recognizing this to taste. Among motorists there is a myth that antifreeze has a sweet taste, but it is just a myth. In addition, it is necessary to be neat when "tasting", as chemicals, which are included in the coolant, extremely poisonous.

To determine which refrigerant will fall into your cooling system, as follows:

  1. On the smell and touch. The traditional antifreeze is oily to the touch and does not smell. "Tosol" to the touch less oily.
  2. Frozen resistance. If you pour a little cooling fluid into a small bottle and put in the freezer, it should not freeze. But if it frozen, it is usually a poor-quality "Tosol", if not, in all likelihood, high quality antifreeze.
  3. Are the consumables with tap water compatible. From the vehicle system, you should take a little coolant and pour it into a bottle. Next, we water the water from the tap in equal proportions and we are waiting for about an hour. If the mixture lurzted, noticeably bundle substances or a precipitate was formed - this is "Tosol" of the Russian manufacturer. When using high-quality foreign antifreeze, this should not arise.
  4. Refrigerant density. However, for this you will need an areaometer - a special device for checking the density of antifreeze. The check should be carried out at room temperature or the environment of more than twenty degrees Celsius. If the refrigerant density of 1.073 to 1.079 g / cm3 is most likely a good antifreeze.

There is another definition method:


  1. We take a metal plate or other iron. Also, any rubber thing will be needed, it would be perfect part of the cooling system nozzle.
  2. From the expansion tank, we take a little coolant in the canister and put the rubber and metal parts there.
  3. Now we are waiting for about twenty minutes. Russian Tosol is capable of forming a protective film on all components of the system without exception (both on metal and rubber parts). As for antifreeze, it is considered a smarter means and protects only those details that are most susceptible to the formation of corrosion (metal components).
  4. Next, you should get from the canister both details and carefully check them on the touch. If the film originated on both components, then in front of you the cooling liquid of Russian production, if the film is only on the metal element, the antifreeze is filled into your car.

More accurately identify the substance that is flooded in your expansion tank will not work. One hundred percent answer is able to give only experts in the laboratory.

Teenager Adding Antifreeze to His Car

How to pour antifreeze

This procedure should be carried out only on a cold engine. In addition, take care of your safety, as this substance is toxic. First of all, we find a radiator cover under the hood, then find a drain cover. Down put bucket and unscrew it. After draining antifreeze, it is necessary to check all the hoses for integrity.

Next, you should rinse the system, get rid of deposits and rust, which ordinary water is not able to remove. To do this, fill a special tool into the radiator, then get the engine and give a lot to work a little. Then drain the liquid.

Now you can pour the coolant, respectively with the manufacturer's recommendations. So that air bubbles come out of the system, and antifreeze evenly distributed, you need to turn on the motor and heating in the cabin to the maximum.
