Battery for the car, how to increase battery life

Battery or if there is a more accurate car rechargeable battery. It serves as an alternative source of electrical energy for the onboard electrical system of the car. The main, but not the only purpose of the battery, is the start of the car engine.

Battery maintenance, correct care prolongs battery life

One of the main factors directly affecting the service life and the quality of the operation of the car accumulator are the correct and high-quality care for it. It is high-quality battery care that avoids or identify malfunctions in the early stages and to eliminate them in a timely manner.

Interesting! The battery life during high-quality care can reach 5-6 years, and in some cases more.

Insufficient care can be extremely negatively affecting the work of the battery. Initially, this is manifested in violation of his work, and later he still ceases to fulfill his direct duties.

Battery sits down, why

The reasons for which the battery self-discharge occurs can be diverse. Initially, it is worth saying that a high-quality and serviceable battery on average loses no more than 2% of energy per day.

And so, we will describe in detail the main causes of the self-discharge of the car battery:

Sits the battery due to the oxidation of the terminals

With the oxidation of the battery terminals, most of the craft owners were faced.

The oxidation of the terminals is able to significantly reduce the contact stain. With the appearance of a large number of plates on the terminals, the battery can not, as qualitatively give the charge, so and charge.


Eliminate this problem will not be difficult. To eliminate oxidation, you will need a metal brush or sandpaper. Cleaning the terminals occurs on a muffled car with the ignition turned off.

Cleansing the oxidized car battery terminals, work work:

  1. We relax the terminal and remove it from the electrode;
  2. We clean the terminal, metal brush (special attention should be paid to the inner side of the terminal, since it is it that directly contacts the battery electrode);
  3. We clean the electrode, metal brush;
  4. We dress the terminal on the electrode and tighten it;
  5. If necessary, we also do the same with the second terminal.

Important! Clean the terminals and electrodes are necessary before the appearance of a clear metal shine.

The appearance of such deposits on the terminals of the battery is the consequences, not the cause. The reasons for the appearance of oxidation on terminals and battery electrodes are two:

  • Leak electrolyte.
  • Uncomplete terminals.

Cracked the body how to fix the crack

The crack in the battery case is accumulated, accompanied by the flow of electrolyte. If the crack is not large, it can be eliminated by shirts. Large cracks, through which the electrolyte literally runs, it will not be possible to close, and there is no point in this. In this case, it is necessary to immediately buy a new battery.


And so, consider some materials with which you can get rid of small cracks in the car battery package:

  • Epoxy resin (it should be said that the electrolyte should not be covered from the crack);
  • Glue-sealant;
  • Glue (it is worth using only such a glue that is capable of melting the battery case).

Important! You can also eliminate the flow with a regular soldering iron, but it is worth remembering that the electrolyte pairs are explosive!

Sits the battery due to the closure of the plates, how to eliminate the cause

In the case of partial closure of the plates of the battery, their repair is not possible. This problem is eliminated only by replacing the plates directly.

The procedure for replacing the plates in no case should be carried out independently, due to the fact that in the battery there is sulfuric acid, which is extremely toxic and aggressive.

To replace the plates, you should contact a specialized car service. Since it is necessary for its holding special equipment and means of protection. It is also worth noting that not all car services are taken for this procedure.

Battery sulfate, reasons and how to reduce sulfate

Sulfatation is the occurrence of large crystalline particles of lead sulfate directly on the rechargeable batteries.


Sulfate the battery plates is one of its most common faults. It leads to a significant decrease in the capacity of the battery, and its resistance increases. As a result, the battery is quickly charged, but also quickly loses charge.

Important! The primary cause of the sulfation of the plates of the battery is its long-term foundation in the discharged state.

In particularly launched sulfate cases, the battery is replaced. In the early stages it can be eliminated - this can be done both in a specialized car repair shop and with your own hands.

Interesting! The procedure for eliminating sulfate plates of the battery is called desulfate.

For desulfation, we will need:

  • Tensile water;
  • Baking soda;
  • Table salt;
  • Fresh electrolyte.

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The procedure for desulfation of the plates of the battery, the progress of work is styled:

  1. We charge the battery to the maximum;
  2. We merge the old electrolyte;
  3. Rinse the battery with distilled water, at least 3 times;
  4. We prepare a solution of distilled water and food soda. In the ratio of one liter of distilled water 25 grams of food soda;
  5. Pour a solution from distilled water and food soda into a battery;
  6. We are waiting for at least 3 hours;
  7. Drain the solution;
  8. We prepare a solution from distilled water and a salt dining room. In the ratio of one liter of distilled water 30 grams of salt;
  9. Pour the solution from distilled water and salt salt into the battery;
  10. Put the battery for charging;
  11. We are waiting for at least 1 hour;
  12. Drain the solution;
  13. We prepare a solution of distilled water and food soda. In the ratio of one liter of distilled water of 40 grams of soda;
  14. Put the battery for charging;
  15. We are waiting for at least 1 hour;
  16. Drain the solution;
  17. Rinse the battery with distilled water, at least 2 times;
  18. Pour a new electrolyte;
  19. We charge the battery to the maximum.

Important! This procedure should be carried out in a room with good ventilation, or outdoors.

Sitting battery, dirty electrolyte

Also one of the reasons for the occurrence of an increased battery self-discharger is a dirty electrolyte. This problem is usually solved by washing the battery with distilled water and replacing the dirty electrolyte to the new one.


Important! In order to prevent dirt from entering the electrolyte, it is necessary to carefully clean its upper part from all sorts of contaminants.

Current leakage in cars how to find a leak

There are not rarely cases when the direct cause of the battery discharge is not it itself, but an elemental electric current leak. In some cases, this problem is able to completely empty the battery overnight.

There are two main reasons for current leakage in the electric system of the car:

  • Short circuit.
  • Unauthorized consumer.

Detect electricity leakage in the car electrical system, it is possible using a multimeter.

Detection of electric current leakage in the car, the course of work is styled:

  1. I exhibit the "Ampmeter" mode at the multimeter to 10 A position;
  2. Turn off the ignition in the car;
  3. Connect the multimeter "sequentially" to the car's electrical circuit. To do this, disconnect the positive battery terminal. We connect one multimeter probe to the battery electrode, and the second directly to the disconnected terminal.

If everything is done correctly, data on the permanent consumers of electricity in the car will be displayed on the multimeter display. If the indicators do not correspond to the norm means, there is a leak in the vehicle electrical system.


Important! The total consumption of constant consumers must be not higher than 80 mA.

In case the readings of the multimeter revealed current leakage, proceed to its search. When searching for current leaks, follow the following concept:

  • First of all, attention should be paid to abnormal devices (devices installed not by the car manufacturer) and their wiring. Since, as a rule, the wiring in such devices is laid worse and has a low defense rate in contrast to native equipment.
  • If the car participated in road traffic accidents. Attention should be paid to parts that were damaged.
  • The inspection is carried out for damage, swelling or other external defects, both wires and directly the instruments themselves.

Important! As a rule, the cause of current leakage becomes non-standard equipment, and more precisely its wiring. Since when installing it is placed in the first free space, it does not have sufficient fixation. As a consequence, the insulation of the wires is overwhelmed or melted, as a result, a short circuit occurs.

Battery electrolyte level, which level is normal

In addition to all the above problems, defects and other things. The battery life also affects the level of electrolyte in it directly.

So, for example, too low levels of electrolyte contributes to the drying and destruction of the battery plates. And excessively high, contributes to the enhanced oxidation of electrodes and terminals.

Whatever the battery has been installed on the car. The electrolyte level in it is reduced over time. Therefore, at serviced batteries, a regular electrolyte topping is required.

The electrolyte level is determined visually. So the norm is considered when the electrolyte covers the rechargeable battery plates by 12-15 mm. Also on modern transparent batteries, as a rule, there are tags of the upper and lower valid values \u200b\u200bof electrolyte.


Electrolyte density in battery

The battery life and service life also affects the density of its electrolyte. So a high density indicator causes corrosion of certain battery elements, and with a low electrolyte freezes in cold weather.

The density value is checked by a special device, a steamer. Normal density value is 1.25-1.27 g / cm3.


Interesting! Read more about measuring the density can be found on our website in the article. "Electrolyte for batteries".

Tips of professionals, how to increase battery life

  • The battery is exactly the same as any other car element requires a regular inspection for leaks, visual defects and damage.
  • If the car is installed in the car, the battery does not mean that it does not need to be inspected regularly.
  • During the identified and eliminated problem, the key to the long, high-quality and stable operation of the rechargeable battery.
  • When the crack is detected in the battery case, Ideally should be replaced. If you still have taken the battery repair, remember the precautionary measures.
  • Do not try to replace the closed plates in the battery yourself. It is best to replace the battery itself.
  • If you repair the battery case or with direct contact with the electrolyte, use personal protective equipment.
  • Buying a new battery, you should pay for high-quality and well-proven manufacturers.
  • About the electrolyte, how to make it properly, measure and techniques are observed at the same time it is recommended to read in our article. "Electrolyte for batteries".
