How to adjust the headlight light, why they shine badly how to eliminate defect

High-quality road illumination Ahead of the car traveling at night is not a luxury at all, it is rather an important component of a safe movement. Moreover, today's rules of the road movement are forbidden to drive with headlights, even during the daytime, headlights should be near, the brightness of the light received from them is not particularly significant. But the fascism of light at night creates an extra danger of both the driver of the car and its passengers.

Headlight headlights, near and distant, why they shine badly, possible causes

Note, the reason for such a negative phenomenon as a bad visibility of the road is not only the headlights, play a certain role:

  • quality of windshield
  • optics and correctness of its adjustment
  • used in light bulb used.


Experienced drivers will also note that at one and the same light is much better visibility of the dry road or a snow-covered, wet asphalt is black, and distinguish objects on its background becomes much more difficult.

What can you recommend to owners of machines, complaining of discomfort from the xenon lighting fixtures?


The best option is to replace the windscreen, especially in the case when the vehicle run is about 200 thousand km purchase and install high-quality glass unoriginal today can be relatively cheap, such a budgetary procedure will allow just the same significant impact on improving the visibility of the road.

But when discussing the head light usually they pay attention to the quality of the optics, which is equipped with a car.

Used in modern engineering headlights can be of two types:

  • reflex
  • linzovannaya

These names are not technical, but those that are used in daily use, because they give us more clearly. What differences exist between these types of lights and what are the advantages of each?

The service life is shorter than linzovannaya headlight reflector.


The reason - too closely spaced reflector bulb, strong heating is often the cause of failure of the reflector.


Reflector lamps are more prone to clouding of the reflector and glass.

If the headlights shine well enough, it is recommended that, without waiting for the occurrence of unpleasant situations on the dark highway, to understand the factors that affect the quality of lighting and fix defects.

As the brightness loss of the reasons usually are:

  • contacts having damages
  • dirty, cracked ceiling
  • old, defective lamps
  • a glass darkly
  • improper adjustment of lighting

It should also take into account the work which has headlights claim if it is low-beam headlamps, the most likely cause is:

  • in contacts that extend
  • in a faulty lamp
  • lack of proper adjustment

Problems with glass lead to bad working both near and far light.

One lamp is lit brighter than the other, the reasons that make

Based on the foregoing easy to conclude that more than a faint glow lamps may be caused by defects in its structure.


It is possible to determine that there is damage to the contacts can be positioned by whether the brightness changes (enhanced) of light: after shaking cars, with sharp turns or simply as a result of the hood, the headlights with damaged contacts begins to burn brighter.

As a result of mechanical impacts on contacts, their position and the lamp can be changed for full force. If there is a suspicion of the integrity of the contacts, then the headlight should be disassembled and carefully check each of the connections.

Contacts may be contaminated or damaged, they can also simply disappear.


If there is no experience of self-fulfillment of minor repairs, it is better to seek help in the car service. If you decide to do everything with your own hands - be patient, remove the headlights, check the contacts, weld them or make them with epoxy glue - if notice that they are departed.

If the reason for weak lighting in mechanical damage, then the optimal output here may be replaced the headlights on a new or used, but in good condition.


Lower the brightness of the glow can be elementary pollution, it is easy to cope with such a problem, it will be necessary to clean the headache with a clean soft rap.

When a malfunction of the bulb will have to replace it with a new, necessarily the same power.

Middle Lights Duck burn, reasons what to do

For the quality of the work of the near-light headlights, there is a significant impact of continuous operation of headlights, in particular - the need to ride the day with the close-up light.

The cause of the breakdown can be problems with contacts, in particular, they can be subjected to oxidation process. Also, a common breakdown is to scab the headlight terminals with fasteners.


To prevent the oxidative process due to the impact of moisture, it is recommended to treat the terminals with silicone lubricant.

If by cleaning the headlight fails to restore its transparency - it will be necessary to replace the glass.


Faulty light bulbs, naturally, are subject to replacement, the bulbs should be the same power, the manufacturer, preferably alone.

How to check whether the headlights are adjusted correctly, headlight adjustment with your own hands, step-by-step instructions

The correctness of the adjustment of the headlight is a responsible, it can affect not only the comfort of driving a car, but also on the health or life of the driver. With incorrectly exhibited headlights, the light may blind car drivers traveling to you to meet, as a consequence - the threat of a frontal collision. It is possible to perform an inspection of adjustment of the headlights yourself by using one of the proposed schemes.


The first option involves the following actions:

  • we find a flat platform bounded by a vertical wall, you can use the site before the garage,
  • on the wall, the meld should be noted a vertical line, which would divide the car's projection on the wall into two equal parts, so as not to be mistaken, you can adjust the car close to the wall, mark the center and pass back,
  • next, the wall should be drawn by the horizontal line - at a height that corresponds to the layout of the lamp, it should also be noted the distance from the lamp to the center of the car, with separate optics measure and mark each lamp separately,
  • 5 cm below the horizontal is drawn another line, there is a distance from the lamp to the center of the machine and from the site level to the center of the lamp,
  • the center of the headlight is determined - this is the place of intersection of two lines.


Rent a car back to the distance to the wall make up about 7 m. When the headlight is turned on, the angle of inclination must match the horizontal line.

Important! Running up the light spot must match the intersection of lines.

Long light adjustment is similar, the guide will serve the top line.

To take advantage of the second option, the same area and wall will be required. Machine should be placed at a distance of 10 m from the wall. Tires are pumped out, the tank is fueling, looking for an assistant who would be in one weight category with the driver.


To exclude the influence of the car suspension status, you should dig several times. It will also be necessary to make sure that there are no cracks and chippers on the headlights, and all lamps are in working condition.

On the wall chalk, it should be noted the points of finding the headlight centers, connect their horizontal direct. Next, retreat up 22 cm and down 12 cm and dock two more horizontally.

After performing markup, you will need to set the lighting control to zero.

It should be verified in the coincidence of the upper boundary of the core lighting of the light spot with the second line, and the fog - with the third. The horizontal and inclined section of the light stream must intersect at points that match the intersection points with the second and third lines, i.e. Being below the headlight center by 22 and 12 cm.


In this case, the position of the corrector's screw must be initial if there is a hydrocormer, the setting is made in accordance with the load created by the driver.

How to regulate the headlights look at the video:

How to check the tension and find damaged contact

The cause of weaklight is to serve as sufficient voltage, such a situation may occur when contacts or problems with the generator.


To ensure that there is a normal voltage in the chain, you should use a multimeter. When it is assisted, it is completely easy to identify a problem area of \u200b\u200bthe electrical circuit.

Reflector if it is damaged what to do

Regardless of the design, the headlight will surely be equipped with a reflector. The headlight reflector is an element intended for collecting the light stream, its multiple gain and multiplying and sending it to the headlight lens. With a loss of reflective ability, a change in the quality of light occurs - it becomes more dull.

Almost always the reason for the loss of reflective abilities is the low quality of the reflector itself. The material of its manufacture is plastic with cheap spraying, even in good conditions it relatively quickly loses his shine.


You can try to restore the reflector alone, for this you will have to remove the headlight, remove the reflector and wipe it with a rag-moistened in Kerosene or White Spirit. Normal alcohol should not be used - it will clean the coating finally.

After processing, heat the reflector to a temperature of +50 s, and immediately coat it with a layer of acrylic varnish. This varnish color does not have, but the surface mirror will appease. For complete drying, about 4-5 hours will be required. The recovery procedure itself is actually ends.


When assembling, the headlights should use the sealant, ordinary or tape, characterized by high quality and the corresponding value.

Before being taken for restoration work, you should calculate their cost, it is likely that it will be greater than the cost of a new headlight.

Glass headlights pounded, reasons how to eliminate

Lounge glass can be observed for different reasons, including due to banal pollution. In this case, all the work will be in careful removal of dirt using water and vet, and if necessary, special detergents.


In case of detection of cracks on the glass, or serious damage to the reflecting surface, it will take full headlight replacement.

Glass headlight or polykombanate, which is better and why

The lighting speed of the headlight affects its manufacturer. Today in mechanical engineering use lights of glass and polycarbonate. New cars mostly equipped with polycarbinal headlights.


Among their advantages, in the first place - safety, fragments from them at the accident do not imagine. In addition, they are much easier than glass, make them much easier.

A serious lack of polycarbonate is its soft structure. Such headlights are spoiled by scratches, as a result of damage, they lose transparency. To prevent cloues, it is recommended to produce polycarbonate headlamps with a special mixture.


As a protective agent for headlights, you can use a sticky transparent film, better - medium thickness. It will not disperse the light.

Polishing headlights, step-by-step instruction

Perform a competent care for glasses of headlights will be able only if you know what material they are made. With glass products easier - they will not require special care.

Polycarbonate - the material is soft, to a greater extent susceptible to the appearance of defects in mechanical exposure. But supporting the headlights in perfect condition is quite possible - if you adhere to the recommendations that specialists give and periodically expose them to polish.

Before you prepare for work, prepare:

  • two buckets of pure water
  • paste abrasive and disapprosive, intended for polishing work,
  • microfiber napkins,
  • adhesive tape
  • entround paper with graininess ranging from 800 to 2500 units.


A polishing machine will need from the tools, but if it is not - a regular drill is suitable with a watering wheel nozzle. Circles should be prepared in different stiffness - soft and solid (black and yellow). To spray water into circles, a spray gun will be required.

To begin with, it will be necessary to clean the headlight from pollution and dry it. On the perimeter of the ceaming should be punctured scotch - this will warn the possibility of damage to painted parts next to the headlight, if the sandpaper slings.

The first should be used coarse sandpaper - with its help it is easy to remove chips and scratches. As grinding, the grain grain is reduced. In order for dust from the polycarbonate, it should be moisturized.


Moving paper follows circular and cruciform movements. In the process of operation, polycarbonate can become even more muddy, but it should not be frightened, the main task is to achieve the perfect smoothness of the surface.

Next, you will need to use a grinding device, the first is used yellow, the hard circle, you can apply an abrasive paste on it. It follows to polish until the plastic acquires transparency.

We should not forget that when polished, the surface temperature rises, too warm plastic can be mounted, it will not be able to remove such a spot.

At the end of the polishing process, dust should be removed using a microfiber cloth. Further polishing with the help of a black circle and a bast abrasive paste. Thus, we remove all traces of previous processing and give lighting glossy shiny.


The glitter of the headlight surface should become uniform. Surface treatment ends with water procedures, i.e. washing the headlights with water.

How to polish the headlights Look on the video:

In the same way, glass headlights are polished, but at the same time some points should be taken into account:

  • if there are serious chips and scratches on the surface of the glasses, then grinding will not help,
  • initially, you should pour all the problem areas with a transparent polymer,
  • next, it will be necessary to dry the applied material of the ultraviolet lamp,
  • after these procedures, you can proceed to grinding.

When polished, the glass headlamp is preferably often watered with water.

Council Profi: Do not forget to adjust fog lights

Fog lights also need care and adjustment.


The calibration of fog lighting should be done with a well-loaded car, it may be a man weighing more than 70 kg or any cargo of similar mass. The tank should be completely fed.

After checking the correct adjustment and finding the error should be armed with a screwdriver, find PTF screws that serve to adjust the fog and by rotating these screws to achieve the desired focus of light.


How to find and order car headlights and accessories at a table price and free shipping

Unfortunately, there is nothing eternal in the material world, whatever your car, sooner or later some of its details, maybe it will be exactly the next or broken headlights, will require substitutions. To buy the necessary spare parts in the autoshops of your city or the village is not always the opportunity, in this case it will be necessary to produce a resource searching in the network, which is implemented by suitable components.

You can go to another way and place an order for Aliexpresswhere there are all the necessary spare parts, tools and materials for car repair work.

The range of products provided on the site are in a fairly wide choice:

  • car headlights and wheeled disks
  • winter and summer rubber
  • auto accessories,
  • fuel injectors and brake pads,
  • a variety of spare parts.

Find and choose the necessary product on the site is not at all difficult. In the main menu, you will need to make a choice of category "AUTO", put a mark at the "Cars and Motorcycles" item.


In the full list that opens, we select the category, and then we select the goods, studying its characteristics.

In order not to make a mistake in the selection, it is recommended to chat with the seller, clarify all the questions that arise.


The dialog box for entering the text will appear after pressing the communication button with the seller. Dialogue follows in the comments on the order page, so the seller will be much easier to understand what of the goods are in question.

Since communication will occur in English, then with insufficient knowledge of the language, you will need to use the translator or ask for friends who know English well to give you help.

You should control the accuracy of the translation, it will help to avoid mistakes and misunderstandings.

To make a successful purchase, it is recommended to find an experienced and conscientious seller. Then the quality of the goods will be appropriate, and delivery will be carried out in a timely manner.


Store search should be kept taking into account it:

  • rating
  • store registration time on the site (preference is better to give out sales points having a long experience of successful trading)
  • customer reviews.

As for the automotive headlights directly interestingly, Aliexpressthey are presented in a large assortment, it is both conventional headlights and LED fog-tapes that will serve as a lighting device and will decorate your car.

How to register and make a purchase on Aliexpresswatch the video:

Delivery of selected goods will be carried out on a specified period and free of charge.
